
"For money or for souls?”

Part one. Money or soul?

the only Question seems simple, the answer is obvious.

Well, first, immediately begs the claim that there are also third: for the soul and for the money. Why is the neurotic contrast?

However, listen to yourself, think, many answers: a good thing for the soul and in the flow, without strict liability is possible only for small money; but if we take “present” earning or business where there will be a lot of money, it is certainly about a lot of stress, plowing and samonela.

But the truth is that any “work” includes and what we don't like to do. The work involves some discipline. And this is very often what we don't like, and not expected in the work of “soul”. And the idea (which I was previously cute): «choose it for the soul and you'll never have to work” - infantile nonsense.

second, the reality sometimes is that you have to make a choice to sit hungry with “the case for the soul”, or do something that is not particularly warm and have money for lunch. And then the choice is obvious, isn't it? Another thing is that, I firmly believe, this may not be a choice for life. It is the choice of an emergency. Temporary.

At work or in your class person spends most of his time. That is so goes LIFE.
And if you're doing what you can't bear the TIME of your life - not too great a price for the money? Because it is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource. In fact, that's all we have.

“Monetize the way of the heart!” - I'm for it! Ideally.

Then, of course, immediately backed up - and where it, your way heart? You know about him?

Part two.The question of monetization. 

the Idea "to monetize the way of the heart" I really like it. Pronouncing this phrase, I smile, however, slightly ironic.
Yes, of course, I really like to make love. But not opposed to earn what is earned. Because life is not black and white, and is very different. And the man is actually a process. And that means change. And now you're here like this and I want this one, and in a few years maybe things will change...

as for the way of the heart. As usual, flies from cutlets?

Many myths and illusions in this wonderful topic - "finding yourself" and "destiny" - God, in the teeth got stuck already. And all the same!
I Know that people (mainly young - up to 30 years?) this question is toil, suffer and drive themselves into depression.
we have a wonderful Time and lots of freedom. The same weight for many unaffordable. You can choose anything! Though a translator, although the hugger pandas.
And - Oh, horror - what if I choose wrong?! Its not the Matter of Life? And in his declining years will find that all gone! And never am a.
And this horror does not select ANYTHING.

That way? Romanticizing this whole story. If it were MINE, I immediately feel! Butterflies in the stomach, and other animals. And will shove the day, and inspiration, and, most importantly, the THREAD!
what? That's, like, something to like and even get. And even invigorating. But then - once, and pomogalo. Nuuuu, it's all! Not mine. And if something goes wrong or something is not interesting now you have to do - and do not need. I'm going to choose.
And yet, has this fantasy, that right here with a Bang insight on the head - HERE it is, my way! (well, the same nonsense. Not away).

And the longer you "choose" not know "what will you be when you grow up" (even if you are a little over 30), the stronger the alarm.

I got this to say: the way of the heart - is it not? YES! But note the key word - the WAY. Which unfolds, "under the feet going". In those famous words - great meaning. RUNNING.

Instead of having to stand still and try to realize YOUR path (from here to 100 years, and guarantees), it makes sense to GO. That is to do something now is the soul, and become in this case a competent professional. Not very important, frankly, what it will be. But it is important to DO.
There is a shot to start a business from scratch? Get down, do it! No? Go to the waiters, grow up admin, look, what and how to continue. (example of a conditional, it is understandable? Substitute your own!)

And I see it very important to understand that if you "choose" (do) you got no shackles no chains. Wanted - re-elected!
Scared to lose time? And it is not necessary to think that you "lose". This time to gain experience. And it's okay to expand your path as it unfolds.
it's a Shame that will put power, gain skills, and then changes his mind and "no"? So nothing well not for nothing! If you do not stand still. All the investment in yourself is always worthwhile.

I personally do not see another way to understand your place in addition to actions. Neither books, nor meditation visualization will not help here.

Looking for "your way" or go for it?

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