it just So happens that this week, I wrote a lot about the mindset of poor people. Look at the channel "Notes psychologist" Sign up! .Is it possible to change the thinking, and as a result, their financial situation? Of course,Yes.

Confident that this compilation will be useful to those who decided to change. A good book always help. She motivates, supports, it gives practical recommendations. Take a list of yourself, choose a book( many of them are in the public domain or in audio format). Study.

And remember, reading books is not enough, in order to change lives. Even if you are applying to an empty wallet is not going to work. You should follow the guidelines and tips given by the author. And it is better. Then the effect will certainly be.

1) George Clason- "the richest man in Babylon"

One of the most popular books of our time, of what money and by what laws they work. How to learn to use them and grow, to the delight of myself and friends.

2) Avdonin Vladimir — "the ABCs of financial literacy"

How is it that someone on his salary to rest and to eat properly, and to teach the children and to defer to the Treasury. And someone the same salary, flies for the week. What financial mistakes do people. How to stop to throw money down the drain. Great tutorial for those who decided to learn how to handle money and teach children.

3) Kim Kiyosaki - "money Management. 8 financial mistakes"

Kiyosaki - the famous author. He long writes about finances, ways to increase and manage money. In this book he also talks about it. In addition, it reveals basic misconceptions that negatively affect cash thinking.

4) Robert G. Allen -" Multiple sources of income"

the book contains many tables, charts, examples. The author tells how to find new sources of income. It turns around a lot of them, you only need to be able to see. Allen learning to see. And talks about the pros and cons of these sources. Simple and specific.

5) T. Harv Eker -"Think like a millionaire"

What is the millionaire not millionaire. With a Bank account. What else? They think in different ways. In the book 17 lessons on how to learn how to think. Harv Eker examines the programme of work negative money beliefs. How thoughts change feelings, and feelings lead to certain actions . And the right actions have lead to a high income.

6) Vladimir Savenok - "a Million for my daughter. Step-by-step plan savings. The natural laws of business"

I Think that all is clear from the title. A practical guide, detailed instructions for those who decided to accumulate a million for my daughter. For parents of sons, too. For everyone that decided to accumulate one million. Good book.

7) Bodo Schaefer - "the Path to financial freedom"

Becoming a millionaire in 30 years, Bodo Schaefer believes that the path to financial freedom is in the head. It opens the mysteries of consciousness. The main message-change thinking and financial condition will also change. The book contains many examples and parables, so very easy to read.

8) Dmitry Konash - "to Preserve and enhance. How to properly and profitably manage the savings" .

Behind the author's 20 investment experience . And of course he has something to tell about how to properly dispose of the savings, thus to obtain the profit and reduce risks .

9) Jim Rohn - "the 7 strategies to achieve wealth and happiness."

Very easy to read and a lot of practice. All the tips in this book need to be applied immediately. Not trivial recommendations. A new look at Finance and its role in life.

10) Bailey Jerry and Felicia Lo - "Your money"

a Very cute book. Money want to earn and save. The money you want to use. To make your life comfortable. This book teaches you how to manage money, how to spend it correctly. Written for children, lots of pictures. Read with your child.

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© Solovyova Larisa

Solovyova Larisa