
I for myself

In this article I want to consider the phenomenon of psychological loneliness, the causes of its formation and influence on our lives. Consideration will be taken through the prism of the psychological, physiological and social homeostasis, is considered from the viewpoint of psychological radicals, resistance and protection.

Before starting, I want to conditionally define loneliness as a forced and chose (psychological). It seems to me with the issue forced loneliness compared to choose more or less clear, although there are a few points that are worth paying attention to. First - what role in the current situation of forced loneliness played the man himself. Second: as it relates to this situation.

Well, let's start?

What is enforced solitude and how it differs from choose? I believe that the enforced solitude is different from choosing just one, namely, the enforced solitude inherent in the nature of resistance, and select protection! Below I will try to explain my point of view why I am such a distinction. What is forced or we choose loneliness through the prism of homeostasis?

Homeostasis is a balance, is the process of maintaining life of the organism, in the here and now.

Examples: physiological (body, feelings) – thirst and we drink water, thus supported the balance of water-salt balance in the body; psychological (sense) – sense in the "here and now"; social (establish and maintain contact with the outside world) – the need for social contacts, self-realization, positioning yourself in the outside world.

How can we maintain equilibrium in a situation of forced loneliness in the situation choose loneliness? I'll start the review with the option of forced loneliness.

enforced solitude, what is it? I believe that forced loneliness is an unconscious reaction to the situation in the here and now, the inability or unwillingness to creatively adapt and influence the situation.

Let us consider forced (boilerplate, habitual, unconscious, not adaptive behavior) loneliness on the example of the quarrel.

Take arbitrarily three ways of conduct in case of quarrel: the pressure on the interlocutor, the attempt to smooth over the argument and no input.

in the midst of a quarrel, in our body there are different processes that we see in bodily manifestations, it can be anything (tremors, stiffness, sweating, or Vice versa, redness or blanching of the skin) any bodily manifestations that are aimed at maintaining physiological balance, the safety and security of the body (physiological homeostasis).

In a situation of strife, can we be depressed or excited, can experience various feelings and respond emotionally to harmless manifestations of our interlocutor, thereby saved themselves psychologically, psychologically resisting contact (psychological homeostasis).

We cannot effectively establish and maintain contact. Pulling away, dying, or going for pressure contact with the person we claim to be a tried realized as a person even in such a situation (social homeostasis).

You may ask: "Where's the balance"?

the Balance is as follows. Being in the moment, in the situation of the quarrel, we, as the body is working to save himself, each of the types homeostasis fulfills its function in this process.

How that situation looks like from the perspective of psychological radicals.

  1. If the argument we are aggressive, assertive, trying all possible ways to suppress our interlocutor, then most likely we have pronounced the following radicals: a paranoid, sadistic.
  2. If we freeze, trying to smooth over the quarrel, we have expressed: obsessive-compulsive; masochistic, depressive, and radicals.
  3. If we are emotional and trying to make the argument the character of insignificance, it is possible to have pronounced: manic, hysteroid radicals.
  4. How am I supposed to stand apart schizoid, because of the perception of his inner and outer world of the schizoid may not join the fight, saying it was unnecessary and petty to his inner world.

can I assume that the enforced solitude more susceptible to those who have expressed an obsessive-compulsive, masochistic, depressive radicals.

From a position of psychological defenses and resistances.

I said above that the enforced solitude is closer to the psychological resistance than protection and that's why. Protection is different from resistance because the defense is a conscious process, and the resistance devoid of this resistance is akin to the habit and automatism.

What we see in a situation of a quarrel with the positions of the resistances and defenses.

If we consider the first option to respond, perhaps leading the resistance are: projection, egotism.

the Second response option will have to merge, retroflexion, depreciation, delexe, profilaxia, intreccia.

third response option include: Alexia, hypervoice, intreccia.

Schizoid is characterized by: the egotism.

What happens in a situation choose loneliness?

Consider chose (not a template, informed, adaptive behavior) alone as the example of strife.

To avoid confusion take the same three-way response in an argument: the pressure on the interlocutor, the attempt to smooth over the argument and no input.

What happens to the position of homeostasis?

will Take it upon themselves not to consider issues of homeostasis, radicals, protection and resistances as much detail as I did above. In my opinion, to understand the main principle and the main goal, and what role all of our manifestations plays in our lives. If you chose alone, will be and bodily expression, sensory and emotional coloring of the situation and without doubt the establishment and maintenance of contact will be more pronounced of those radicals, including certain psychological resistance and protection but this will be other symptoms inherent in conscious, chose behavior. What I mean when I say different, additional means having a different energy, which is based on other motives.

As I said above, the selected behavior is closer to the defense than to the resistance. When choosing a lonely man doing at least three things: determines the relevance for themselves of what is happening, realizes this and makes a choice. In the case of forced behavior this sequence of actions not possible in connection with the victim.

select the isolation the person feels and perceives their body, what was happening to him, differentiarum feelings and determine, in our case, the need to be alone.

unlike the forced solitude where man acts applying to the situation patterns of behavior, employees with a choice of creatively adapts to the situation and make a decision in the here and now.

In case you select loneliness, man defends himself, he arranges for a secure space, the space that chooses for himself the space that allow him to function effectively in the here and now.

I'm not saying that this system is effective for everyone, I just want to say, what to do in any given situation be solved only by us. Select the behavior may not be effective, but it will choose and thus give the awareness of his actions and feelings.

Above, I drew attention to two issues: "What role in the current situation of forced solitude was playing the man himself?" and "How it relates to this situation?".

Answering the question, I would say that each person's role in what is going on with him in a given situation is large. We are not aware or conscious of it perpetrated by those actions that lead us to the result we get (see my video

You Decide, but my choice is better than a victim!

Lyaskin Maxim