
the Development of mindfulness does require willpower, and it is crucial that will be sent will (libido, energy, life force, the main intention).

an Excellent reference for the application of the volitional effort, the structuring schema, a tool for developing mindfulness and problem solving is typology of functions of consciousness C. G. Jung.

the Typology of consciousness consists of several components:

It is well-known extroversion-introversion;

Two irrational functions-sensing (feeling, sight, hearing, smell, taste) and intuition (unconscious perception, the sixth sense);

Two rational functions – thinking (opinions, rules, procedures) and feelings (empathy, value preferences, emotional, relationship).

of these functions develops 8 functional types or plant consciousness.

the figure shows one of the possible eight types of 

the Vertical axis is of rational or irrational functions of consciousness: thinking-feeling and intuition-sensation. She and the other function on the vertical axis can be leading or subordinate. And the horizontal axis the so-called additional functions are unused pairs.

Consider this example.

1. Intuition (leading function).

2. Thinking (1 additional function).

3. Feelings (2nd optional feature).

4. Sensorics (subordinate function).

Each of the functions can be extroverted or introverted install.

If the leading function is extroverted (see diagram above), then 1-I will be introverted additional, second additional extroverted and introverted subordinate. We has at its disposal two extravertive and two introverted functions of consciousness.


1. Introverted intuition - intuition of time (high predchuvstvuyu and divining the course of events, high ability mappings past, present and future).

2. Extrovertly intuition - intuition of possibilities (the ability to predict what to expect from this or that person, the ability to anticipate how to develop an event).

3. Introverted thinking - theoretical and independent of others ' opinions thinking, a generator of new ideas and theories. 

4. Extroverted thinking - practical application of thinking, relying on the judgment of other people prior scientific discoveries or quite ordinary worldly wisdom.

5. Introverted feeling is a subjective coloration of feelings, emotions, hidden from the outside world.

6. Extravertive feeling my attitude  - like, not like, nice, not nice, nice, not nice, etc.

7. Introverted sensing - the perception of signals from your body, proprioceptive sensitivity - fullness, emptiness, heat, cold, pressure, excitement, peace, etc.

8. Extrovertly sensation - perception at the interface with the external world through the senses.

depending on the situation one or the other function can be developed in different ways. For example:

1. a Leading function corresponds to the maturity, high development, passport age of 40 years.

2. Additional secondary function well enough developed and meets the youthful level of psychological maturity.

3. Additional tertiary function corresponds to 5-10 years of age.

4. Infant subordinate function, the weakest, least represented in the light of consciousness and the most unconscious and potentially charged.


Further on the practical application of knowledge of typology in connection with the choice of type of food.

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