
guilt is anger suppressed and turned on himself. the
Arises in situations where there is a ban to feel anger towards someone or something.

Stay with the feeling of guilt is to act against himself. Leave it as is, or to pretend that this feeling you have does not exist to harm himself.

What to do?
How to deal with your guilt in a healthy way?

1. Notice that you feel guilty.
2. Ask yourself "what/who am I angry?" and find the answer.
3. If it's anger at yourself, then you need to translate it to the outside. Anger in itself is contrary to human nature.

we are so well trained it feel, looking for the roots of all the troubles within herself that is even hard to understand how this is so angry at me unnatural?!
For her, there is always anger at something external. br>
It can be:

- the actions of another person.
in Fact and another we're not mad, "generally". We are angry at something he does or doesn't do. In his words, attitude, actions... Just sometimes there are so many that already not aware of the raging "what specifically?", or just not accustomed to distinguish a thing and the whole person. Here is a diffuse and angry - all at once.

- the Situation.
for Example, if I forgot to do something important, what was promised and I have this problem, then healthy anger is not anger at myself, and what I was "clumsy" as "messed up"...
It is the anger that I was in a situation that I now need to fix, to deal with its consequences. Anger at this situation.
And then the energy of this anger I can use in order to deal with the consequences of the incident, to resolve the situation. In the meantime, I'm angry, I channel the energy of anger for self-destruction.

4. Realizing what your aims anger, act according to what is happening.
Anger is the energy for action. Change what you don't like. the
Change the fact that your very nature is calling you to change.

for Example, talk to someone who is angry, ecological expressing his feelings and desires;
leave from a place or relationship that you don't like, if possible.
if it seems impossible for you to begin to change the conditions in which are, as of now (new options and forces will come in the course of the journey);
correct the errors of one's own actions,
(I appreciate your examples how you can use your own anger for a good change in the world.)

After this guilt to remain you should not.
If there is, most likely, this is linked to the feelings about the different stories. Return to step 1 and go through every life situation where you "finites".

Yes, I would recommend, train n. 3. Try to do it whenever they feel guilt or anger at yourself.
From developments of a habit your life and sense of self will become a much nicer, better.

take care of yourself and become the best friend ;)

Alexander Zemlyansky, a psychologist.

#Aleksandrasasha #chuvstvovany

Alexander Zemlyansky