
the Key is in the hands of another!

another person

do not open any door.

J. M. Robin

Trust us warmly reveals...

the Psychotherapeutic relationship is a special kind of relations is twofold in nature. These relationships are both professional and interpersonal, and a therapist stands in these relations both as a professional and as a person.

the Therapist as a professional armed with theoretical knowledge, techniques and methods. the Therapist as a person has extensive experience in self-discovery and reflection of the self, as well as a special sensitivity to other people and, in General, to human relations.

Psychotherapy – no examination, no investigation, no training, and even counseling. Despite the importance of the professional component - the knowledge, techniques and methods are secondary to create the psychotherapeutic relationship, without which she (psychotherapy) can not be conceived.

Indeed, concepts, methods, techniques are secondary, and their use in therapy has a number of objective and subjective constraints. Access the psychic reality of the other person is limited to one side (objectively) the existence of a professional ethical attitude towards the customer, characterized by the use of violence and manipulation, on the other (subjective) – the client also determines the measure of self-disclosure in front of the therapist. As a consequence, to touch the deep emotional experiences of the client becomes possible only if the "consent" of the latter. Otherwise it will be either violent or manipulation, which, of course, alien to the essence of psychotherapy. Therefore, the most important condition in General, the possibility of implementation of psychotherapy is the presence of this relationship, the most important feature of which is the quality of trust between client and therapist, allowing the client to touch the recesses of his soul.

In psychotherapy this kind of relationship is called trusts. Psychotherapy actually can take place only when between the client and the therapist established that kind of relationship.

In the dictionary trust is defined as the state of the internal world of the subject, due to the desire relationships characterized by a willingness to transfer certain rights, information and objects other free subjects.

Trust, it always belongs to someone, it's personal, as opposed to abstract concepts such as justice or humanism. Trust is always a property of a specific relations characterizing the quality of these relations. And this property is not constant. Trust is earned and can be lost. Trust can be more, less, or not be. Trust is easy to lose but very difficult to regain.

what is the essence of a trusting relationship in psychotherapy? What they are built? What is achieved?

For the emergence of a trusting relationship between client and therapist must meet a number of conditions. I agree with them on both formal and informal.


relationship to psychotherapy and psychotherapists.

Here we can often face the polar attitudes of potential consumers of psychological services from the full recognition of psychotherapy as a form of psychological help and psychotherapy as specialists in psychological problems, so it is extremely critical and negative attitude to this profession and professionals. The presence of certain installations from the client facilitates or complicates the job of the therapist to build a trusting relationship.

education and status of the psychotherapist.

Are important components of professionalism. Generally, a professional therapist in addition to basic education (often psychological or medical) is the additional education within the framework of any method of psychotherapy. Therefore, the statement of the specialist "I am a psychotherapist" is incorrect and could cause doubt in his professionalism. Adequate are the following options of professional identity of the expert: "I am a psychoanalyst", "I am a Gestalt therapist", "I am a psychodramatist," etc.

- the therapist's experience.

Also an important component of a professional therapist, provided its propensity to reflect. Reflection of their professional experience allows the therapist to analyze, to systematize and to accumulate professional "therapeutic damage", not to save constantly repeated professional mistakes and call it "extensive professional experience".

professional and ethical standards.

the Trust is largely dependent on compliance with a number of professional ethical standards, most important of which are do no harm and privacy. Presence in the therapeutic relationship the above rules helps relieve stress from the client, especially in the initial stages of therapy.

the Above formal conditions create the basis for building a trusting relationship between client and therapist. Due to their presence the client comes to therapy. Will the therapist take advantage of this "in advance", will largely be determined informal terms – his professional and personal qualities, which will be discussed below.


- judgmental attitude towards the customer

Judgmental attitude and acceptance of the therapist is the client's property is the psychological picture of the world of the psychotherapist, and his concept of the Other, for which the inherent tolerance for otherness as Other other. Mesocenozoic of the therapist towards the client is essential for the occurrence of the last of the credibility of a particular specialist.

- respect for the client

the therapist there is every reason to respect customer.

the Client is the person who applied voluntarily to a therapist for professional help. This fact alone is worthy of respect. This means that client people:




these qualities allow the client to treat him with respect and attention, creating a sense of customer the making of his personality.

by what is achieved a relationship of trust?

here are a number of professional qualities/skills of the therapist that contribute to the creation of trust relations in situations of therapy:

empathy of the therapist

the Most well-known definition of empathy belongs to the humanistic therapist direction K. Rogers and reads as follows: "Empathyis the ability to stand in the shoes of another, from the inside to perceive the internal coordinate system of the other, as if the therapist was the other, but without loss of conditions "as if"". Irvin Yalom also metaphorically spoke of empathy as the ability to see the world from the client window. the Empathic stance of the therapist allows him to put himself in the shoes of the client to look at the problem through his eyes, which opens the way to empathy and a better understanding of the latter.

- sensitivity of the therapist

Increased sensitivity to the world of the soul of another person is possible thanks to a personal psychotherapy, which is a mandatory part of training of the therapist. Developing the process of personal therapy sensitivity to his future therapist is better able to understand and accept the various "bad", "unworthy", "imperfect" aspects of self, thereby paradoxically becoming more accepting in relation to similar aspects of another person – his client.

- the openness of the therapist

an Important quality of the therapist, which requires courage to stand in front of a customer without a mask, sincere willingness to share in therapy their feelings-thoughts-experiences, individual human experience, to be in therapy not only professional, but a person. In professional language such sincerity therapist called authenticity.

- confidence and stability of the therapist

These qualities of the therapist instills confidence in the client that at this stage of his life so lacks confidence and stability. Confident therapist speaks to the client as an object for identification, relieves anxiety and creates a feeling of safety.

- interest of the therapist

Interest in the inner world of another person is a leading motive for the development of the profession of psychologist and psychotherapist. And this motive should dominate over other motives, including the motive of the material. Otherwise, the therapist will inevitably face emotional burnout that can lead to professional deformation.

the Above professional qualities of the therapist are the basis for the possibility of his presence in contact with the client (J. M. Robin), which encourage the client's sense of trust in the therapist. And then therapy can take place.

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