
In 1900, saw the light of the revolutionary book the Austrian neurologist founding father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.

In his monograph Freud has consistently proven that the human psyche is divided into consciousness and the unconscious. Our instincts, desires, and repressed emotions are in the unconscious, sometimes penetrating mind. Forbidden in society or in the family emotions and instincts, have not found their manifestation in the real world, displaced into the unconscious, creating the Foundation of personality. When a person sleeps, his mind is off, so the products of unconscious activity of trying to “break” to consciousness through a set of consistent or inconsistent visual fragments, which we call dream.

Dreams reflect our desires, fears or other repressed emotions that have not found their way out. At the time this view was criticised as it was accepted that the dream is incoherent fragments of a conscious human life, that the psyche "digests" the information received that the person got sober, or what is the otherworldly force that foretell an event.

for example, a man, an uncle who bequeathed him his fortune and is now dying, can see a dream in which his uncle dies and he is present at his funeral.

Waking up, the man probably would have talked to him this dream as a precursor of her uncle's death. A psychoanalyst would interpret this dream as a wish men to uncle soon passed away, and soon left him his fortune, and desire it, unresolved, in imagination, had vytesnit and try again to break into the consciousness via the dream.

the Interpretation of dreams was previously with the basic techniques of psychoanalytic therapy. When the therapist and the client interpret the dream, the client can realize the real desire of his unconscious and the conflicts that happen there. Freud called dreams "Royal road to the unconscious”.

a Significant difficulty in the interpretation of dreams makes a “SUPER-EGO” — part of the psyche responsible for the social and parental standards of behavior (roughly speaking, our conscience).

as the psyche through dream experiencing different feelings and desires, among them, of course, there will be those who because of “SUPER-EGO” seem to us to be extremely dangerous (rape, incest, aggression, etc.).

Why not to pass in the mind “threat” instincts, "SUPER-EGO" tries “erase”, but if this fails, the “encrypt” dream. So we do not see a serial story, and frequently a set of fragments, displaced persons and characters, various obscure locations and the randomness of the action.

the interpretation of dreams is very important not only information that people could remember and what emotions caused the dream and feelings upon awakening.

In my practice, I still practice the interpretation of dreams with some customers, whose psyche is already ready to acceptance of oneself.

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