
Beautiful work, familiar from childhood, today new before me. Rereading the pages of the story, I was filled with compassion for the lost dog, anger to the little I that is so weird playing with a Kashtanka, regret to the dying goose, Ivan Ivanovich and his owner-handler, remaining immediately without two of their "artists". And since childhood never left me bewildered, what is this piece? And for children, whether it's written?

I tried to understand the metaphoric language of the writer. And that's what happened: the story "Kashtanka" is a failure story beings one day. If you look at the way Kashtanka from a psychological point of view, Kashtanka is a bright representative of the individual, adaptive to circumstances, ready to replace the "hosts", in critical moments of life are prone to suicidal intentions. "All mankind Kashtanka divided into two very unequal parts: masters and customers; between the two there was a substantial difference: the first had the right to beat her and the second she had the right to grab the eggs" - that's her philosophy. Quite common, incidentally, for the modern man. It seems that such a creature still, where and with whom to live, the main thing – to be fed and not alone.

the Behavior of Kashtanka similar to the behavior of the victim in a codependent relationship: it is important to be close to their snapper-carpenter or his tormentor-son, who plays with her so that "green in the eyes, and aching in all joints." She yearns for this lifestyle, once in the trainer. It is such a dependent relationship, which can often be found in our life: the husband-the tyrant and the victim-wife, the head of the despot and the slave-slave, authoritarian parent and child.

Kashtanka easily adapts to new living conditions, she even manifests learning ability, developing achievement motivation. In General, the environment exerts its influence on personality development (of course, when you, start to respect yourself!).However, as the plot and the practice of life, "where was born there and handy" - a familiar family system easily negates all unfortified changes – Kashtanka was found with the old masters, and the whole period of life outside his home – "it all seemed to her now like a long, confused, heavy sleep...".

So what is "Kashtanka"? Probably, about us, about people, about ways of surviving and aspirations "on a drop squeeze out a slave" or the absence of this desire. About how we stand my life, and how easily "work" the ways of adaptation to the world.

a Great writer, the problem of living.

Babich Natalia