
in Group supervision in the practice of psychotherapy is a form of professional support and professional growth of the practicing counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist. This is a special resource space in which the therapist may discuss difficulties in their practice, hear the views of colleagues, to obtain peer support and professional recommendations to strengthen the private therapeutic positions and, ultimately, to develop your own unique therapeutic style.

the purpose of the Supervisory work of the group isSovershenstvovanie understanding of unconscious processes of communication in therapist-client. Supervision is a creative workshop, the space required for the formation and maintenance of professional identity, independence, calm, and collegiality.

Groups-analytical approach allows to conduct group supervision for professionals of different modalities and with different levels of training. To this end, participants recommended to have the practice of consulting in any modality of therapy (psychoanalysis, Gestalt, Jungian analysis, transactional analysis, etc.). Format group-analytical supervision takes into account the wealth of different therapeutic approaches and individual therapists, and it gives the opportunity to use it in the interests of the upsetting event.

it is Important that the group-analytical supervision is not the usual direct command from the master-supervisor. Members of the group can use the proposed interpretations and recommendations, but at the same time free from didactic pressure. The focus of the group rests on the growth of the therapeutic resource of the therapist.

In the process of group-analytic supervision group members get a lot. It allows you to relive chartransfer in a partial and less alarming situation, to associate emotions with awareness and to develop a common professional language. Participants expand their ability to containerevent patients and strengthen confidence in the use of their own resources.
the task of the group itself provokes emotions, imagination, desire, and defense, which played in the group "here and now". Study of reconstructing situations in a group develops the group's ability to carry out their tasks.

Group analysts believe that there is a collective "revere group", which together created from combinations of associations of group members during the discussion of the material presented in the inner world of each participant. br>
Material intersecting revere*, which is covered during psiholiricheskie stage "group play" allows you to set the relationship between the internal world of each participant, case and group. The experience of this play, with its multiple voices and is what gives group supervision special>

Not so important, when does the group's efforts at this session as well verbalized interpretation or not. The therapist, already out of the impasse can continue your process of reverie and creative to use it in their work. The right to decide what is heard and how the therapist will use in their work, belongs only to him. And Yes, the rest of the participants and the supervisor have to survive it :)

Julia Gordeeva,
K. f.-PhD, psychologist, psychoanalytic therapist,
psychodynamic coaching, group analyst, supervisor,


* Reverie (reverie) is a notion which is introduced in psychoanalysis Bion. Reverie - it is what is born in the analyst when meeting with a client. Bion proposes the concept of reverie as a component of the mental functioning of the mother in her containerhouse as - a mental state in which alpha-functions allow you to survive for a dream-like associations, feelings and vague dreams.

In the preparation of this article were used materials:
Analysis Group, 2007. The Group Analytic Society (London), Vol 40(2): 204-215
Group Supervision of Individual Therapy. Sarah Kalai

Yulia Gordeeva
Портал «Клуб Здорового Сознания»
2015 - 2024

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