Wine is an act, an action that makes us uncomfortable painful feeling caused by the betrayal of their own views and beliefs.

it is the attitude of man to his fault. If someone has a personal fault, and he recognizes it, it is the source of power, said Bert Hellinger. And then it turns out that the person pleading guilty, as if none of the guilt. He is free from this feeling, but he has the power to perform good deeds to compensate (atone for) his guilt.

of Course, we are talking about cases where people "not stuck" in guilt, is not engaged in self-torment about his nefarious behavior in any particular case. Rather, this is all besides the issue of love for ourselves, when we recognize that can do no wrong, although at the time of Commission of the act we were convinced that this is the best solution. Perhaps we were motivated by a strong sense, to resist which we could not or did not want at that moment. So, too, sometimes, and it is necessary to recognize.

Hellinger convinced that guilt comes when a person does not want to plead guilty and strongly displaces it, finding for this the arguments and justifications. And then he had no strength to do good deeds, because we must assume that he spends on the maintenance of resistance to pleading guilty and defend his or her position of innocence.

"Taken over wine always relaxes" (Hellinger).

what happens to a man when he takes on someone else's guilt and its consequences? This burden makes it weak and helpless. Especially well this can be seen in the relationship between parents and their grown-up children, as well as in a couple where one loves and the other only that love takes. Loving person ready to share, and sometimes to assume fully the blame where it belongs. Usually the further development of events shows that the burden is someone else's fault is unbearable for him. Moreover, who took the blame, weakening under her weight, and yet, it makes the weak the man who owns it. Taking the blame for another person deprives him of the force necessary to realize the full measure of responsibility for their actions, and encouraging him to commit good deeds, atone for this guilt.

When a person admits his guilt, he carries his own cross. It appears the powers to withstand their fate, to cope with difficulties and to do great things.

Kytmanovo Natalia
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