
Stages of grief when experiencing the loss of:

shock and denial
stage of aggression /anger/
stage of guilt /trading/
stage of grief

the stages of grief can not go in series and in parallel.
the Task of grief is to let go of the situation and recovery of borders of grieving. The loss of a loved one violates the established order of life, and the main task of grief is to restore the balance of life grieving.

the First stage is denial and shock.
denial is needed to mitigate the situation, the initial orientation in the new situation.
Proper flow of the first stage is impeding the hope. It captures a person in this stage of denial, and the process of grief continues. Hope supports the denial.
With pathological leakage of the first stage, the person is sharply denied the incident. "I don't want to hear about it." When trying to save a situation, when the deceased, it stuck in the first stage, denial, the symbolic invitation of the deceased back.
the Ritual of the funeral, a vision of the deceased in the coffin, saying goodbye to him — all aimed at the destruction of hope that nothing happened. The funeral is in contact with the sad reality and difficult, but necessary ritual.

stage of aggression.
Anger is a natural response to pain. Hurt of losing a loved — he's angry. This is normal. Anger aimed at changing the situation and reducing pain. Then anger is a natural anesthetic. Anger helps to dagoretti, and to destroy the ties with the lost object.
When pathological course of this stage, the suppression of anger. Then the person gets stuck in the second stage of grief and further process occurs.

the stage of guilt. the
Wine as it returns to the first grieving stage of denial, guilt gives hope that something can be corrected. The more hidden aggression to the deceased, the stronger the wine.

stage of grief, of letting go and forgiveness.
this stage is the restoration of the integrity of the borders of grieving, the final orientation of the changed reality. Sign right of passage the final stage of grief — love and gratitude to the deceased. Pathological accommodation at this stage there is a depression or panic attacks, and self-pity.

At any stage of grief grieving slowly let go of the dead, breaks the connection with him. The restoration of their own borders in the process of grief similar to the healing of wounds.

of Course, the process of grief is rarely painless, but I think the stronger the boundaries of the person, the more stable and more independent he feels, the calmer the process of grief. Have a self-sufficient person less likely to get stuck on one of the stages of grief and grief nedorogie.

Experts say that with proper flow of all stages, the process of grief lasts about a year. What are the dangers of getting stuck on one of the stages of grief? The fact that the process of grief can last for many years. Not lived, not released outside emotions associated with the loss of will to break out at unexpected moments, or completely inhibited, causing a long depression in the grieving.

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