
I want to be happy - I'm happy.

I want to meet men - I do that already

I want to be successful I am already successful.

What is the difference in these phrases? The difference is obvious, between these phrases lies the theme of permission, more than permission, recognition and clarity.

What you need to be happy right now? Recognize that everything you need for happiness is already in us and around us permission, no one will, because no one! You need to meet men? To recognize that we meet every day forever, on the street, at work, in shops and transport, and on the Internet at the end of it all. To be successful, recognize that you are already successful as they are able to be now.

where is the topic of permission from above, there is always the need and the inability to independently recognize the reality itself. So someone consistently distort your view and your perception, turning into your personal image of childhood, and you used to distort reality.

where there is a theme of ambiguity is erased, clear and specific, and then someone went around and ran, reset to zero your specifics. You used to supplant, to circumvent and to think, speak, bypassing the clarity.

where is the theme of non-recognition, meaning that someone is very often did not recognize your small achievements, not noticing the small things, everyday small victories, simple steps to success and you are not accustomed to see him, in the pursuit of global success, which is certainly not recognize.

Hence the output to recognize and allow yourself to be happy just like now, especially if a lot of your life confirms it, health, living body, the world around you, your capabilities and accomplishments, even the smallest.

in order to meet your man, not just to meet, to designate, to opredeliti and strengthened himself in his desire to meet with him, and to pinpoint some settings to your men, and most importantly, say to yourself, why this meeting?

in order to be successful, to recognize all of their successes from birth. You were born a success. You grew up and live success. You study and work success. Have you ever done something in your life is good, valuable success. Hence the importance of clarity, permission and recognition from childhood, from a very early age, and if we have grown up, they can themselves assign, resolve, clarify, and acknowledge.

There is one hidden secret... bonding desired and impossibility. It sounds like this, then-when, if - it is, after. Without knowing it, we are bonded and interlock opposites and certain conditions to meet the desired. But the emphasis then goes on the hitch and the inability. I'll be happy when........ and went conditions, only under which happiness is possible. But he won't, because that will be the main conditions, dilatory, delaying the receipt of happiness as obstacles. I Will be successful when........, an enumeration of conditions and the transfer of their efforts on them, increasing the impossibility and unattainability of recognition success. I met my man when....... in General, never.

Just allow yourself to meet without conditions, just want becoming a happiness, the bearer of success, without conditions, without clarification, without coupling with the addition of the desired. I have a friend for whom the phrase"the War plan will show", are the leading pillar of life. Events begin, we will understand, will enter the theme will adjust, meet - decide on a course of action. Indeed, in many cases it is more useful than to wait and not to do, to step aside out of fear absence of the plan and the conditions where the theme of trust yourself and life comes to the fore.