
We do not aim to tell you about art therapy, as an effective method of psychological assistance to people and also about the history of the method. This information You can easily find on the Internet.

We decided without further ADO to tell You about how we use this method in my Studio, integrating it with other, no less effective, methods of psychotherapy, which are included in the GROWTH system therapy, and neuropsychological correction.

so, what techniques of art therapy do we use?

Fractal method. We use it as a diagnostic and correctional method. Decoding the picture, we can see what the problem is from the client and give recommendations for the use of this technique to correct identified problems.

Exercise "Two colors" helps to understand what a man loves in his life, and he didn't take or afraid. Often this exercise helps us to identify the unconscious causes of human problems.

picture family often use in work with children (figures perform as parents and children). It gives us answers to many questions about how family problems can contribute to problems in the child. That, in turn, allows us to give parents recommendations for optimizing the parent-child relationship.

stress relief contribute to paintings created on the easel with chalk, pens, pencils, paints, etc.

Another technique that seeks to harmonize the emotional state of the client is called "Mandala", painting which a person takes an excessive voltage level.

the Metaphoric associative cards allow using images, metaphors and associations to study not only problems that the person is aware, but also those who do not recognize them... This is a very deep technique that allows you to track the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic work.

Despite proven effectiveness of this method of psychotherapy, it is a mistake to expect positive results from monotherapy only one method. Therefore, in our Psychological Studio "GROWTH" we successfully integrate art therapy no less effective, methods of psychotherapy that are included in our GROWTH system therapy and neuropsychological correction.

Welcome to contact us! We can do this together!

the Article was first published on the website of the Psychological Studio "GROWTH" Saint-Petersburg:

© Elena and Alexander, Bazanchuk, psychologists-psychotherapists, neuropsychologists, Psychological Studio "GROWTH"

Bazanchuk Elena