
Emotion is one of the most significant topics in psychology. It is the basis from which to start learning at the Institute and ends of daily work.

For the psychologist important process is the study of emotions to further productive work with clients. Of course, supervision is a powerful tool in this endeavor, but there are techniques of the "home" application.

In this article I will not describe all known to me methods of working with emotions, but to share the learning experience, through which she has passed.

it All began with the fall of 2017, when I went to customer flow with the theme of loss (death of loved ones, children, and non-developing pregnancy, etc.) the Topic is very important to me, I plunged in head first. And in order to recover your psycho-emotional background, I decided to just cry out everything I have inside.

As you know, our body is cleansed through liquid. Unlived emotions, experiences, and toxins are excreted from our body through tears, and urination. The latter often refers to the men because many of them have a ban on tears: "Men don't cry."

so, for the treatment of the devastation of accumulated emotions through tears, I chose a book of Anna Starobinets "Look at him." The book is about the pathology of pregnancy and the horror that lived the author of the book, after passing through the aborting late-term.

the Theme is clear, I work with her, if she'd materialized in the air at that time.

tears Therapy was successful, I cried my guts out until I finished the book to end. Next came the long-awaited devastation. I even recommended this book to read. But then came the pitfalls.

I empathized with the author that unwittingly plunged fully into the state of despair, pain and horror which were imbued with the pages of the book. I didn't consciously keep track of the time when the empathy the author has grown into accommodation for his pain.

Well, what in the world is like this, at least to me, that if I'm out of shape, the customers to me simply do not go. I was left alone with his – someone else's pain without customers and income. Then, in hindsight, I realized the truth and realized that a whole month (!) lived and processed yourself grief!

Reading the state of the emotions of others, we can very easily jump to the line of life of these people. So I lived the pain Anna. So, many people are intoxicated with negativity in the Moscow subway, bring it into your home, into your inner world.

What conclusion can be drawn from my story?

No, I'm not going to talk about what you need to surround yourself with positive. It doesn't always work. The world can not only be white.

I am very grateful to Anna because she wrote the book. And I do not regret that read it.

Conclusion for myself, I did so. It is very important to keep your boundaries, not to merge with the source of the heartbreaking story, whether a live person or a movie/book. It is important to consciously monitor their condition. Totally dive into the emotions is only useful if they are YOURS, and not a few taken from the outside and inside.

it is said that it is better to live a bad life, but ITS good, but someone else's. In my case, I have lived someone else's bad life. Take care of yourself and do not repeat my mistakes.

photo by Gilbert Garcina

serebryannikova Julia
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