a series of articles devoted to outstanding people who stood at the intersections of the approaches of psychotherapy, or at the intersection of psychology with other disciplines. Among these people - psychologists, actors, psychologists, anthropologists, coaches, psychiatrists, philosophers, linguists. Fate and ideas of each of them - a particularly significant point of refraction of the lines of development of science and practice. 

Herman Rorschach (1884-1922, Switzerland)

Rorschach was born in Zurich (Switzerland) to the family of the artist that influenced his great interest in art. When it came time to decide on their future profession, Rorschach could not choose between art and science, and even wrote a letter to Ernst Haeckel, with a request for advice. In connection with the death of his father, directing the young man towards the arts, and the Council of Haeckel to study medicine, Herman decides to become a psychiatrist.

success Factors: curiosity, strict adherence to protocols, communication with recognized experts on an equal footing, confidence, the use of artistic talent in psychiatry, knowledge of several languages, immersion in a favorite thing.

as a result, Rorschach enters the medical school at the University of Zurich. The following semester, the young man spends in Berlin and Bern. In parallel Rorschach studies Russian language and even visiting Russia in 1906 as a traveler.

After several years of study in 1909, Rorschach has successfully passed the state exam and becomes a doctor.

Being a specialist Cantonal psychiatric hospital, ever think about the reasons different visions people ink blots and based on this developing method of diagnosis. In 1912, under the leadership of eigen Blair Herman writes a doctoral dissertation which included his research on the basis of the ink blots.

the Differences between perception and interpretation are individual and quantitative, not principle, and not universal.

Marrying Olga Stempelen, classmate of Kazan in 1913, a young professional making an unsuccessful attempt to find a medical job in Russia. Back in Switzerland, Herman gets a job at the Institute of psychiatry in Munsterlingen. 

In 1919, Rorschach was appointed Vice-President of the Society of psychoanalysis of Switzerland. 

the Main work of Hermann Rorschach, the book “Psycho”, was published in 1921, Himself a psychiatrist he saw his book as a key to secret knowledge of the individual and spoke of it as the beginning of a long journey.

In 1922, after surgery to remove the inflamed Appendix Rorschach died of complications of peritonitis.

At the junction: psychiatry, fine arts, psychodiagnostics, psychoanalysis.

I suggest to read: Life and work of Hermann Rorschach. Henry Ellenberger.

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