a series of articles devoted to outstanding people who stood at the intersections of the approaches of psychotherapy, or at the intersection of psychology with other disciplines. Among these people - psychologists, actors, psychologists, anthropologists, coaches, psychiatrists, philosophers, linguists. Fate and ideas of each of them - a particularly significant point of refraction of the lines of development of science and practice. This - the Game Changers of modern psychotherapy, their ideas are important to know every thoughtful practical psychologist. 

John Kabat-Zinn (b. 1944, US)

Kabat-Zinn was born in new York in a family of scientists in the biomedical Sciences, and artist.

In 1964, John Haverfords finishes College and goes to mit where, in 1971 comes up with a doctorate in molecular biology. As a student of Kabat-Zinn opposes military research in the University and against the war in Vietnam. It was during this period he realized his purpose in life, which he called “karmic purpose”.

When you start to realize over time, one minute can hold lots and lots.

for the First time, Kabat-Zinn acquainted with the art of meditation by Philip Kapla, missionary of Zen Buddhism, who came to MIT to preach their knowledge. The teacher lectures had so inspired the young John that he began to master the meditation and went to study at the Society of meditation, where he eventually taught.

success Factors: the ability to see the essence, a high learning ability, stress tolerance, clear position, teaching talent.

In 1979 Kabat-Zinn founded the Clinic reduce stress in Medical school at the University of Massachusetts, where he adapted the Buddhist teachings in science and developed a Program for stress reduction based on mindfulness (psso), which later took shape in the eight-week training course. While Kabat-Zinn leveled the connection between Buddhism and meditation mindfulness, denoting the close relationship of the latter with the science.

Wherever you go, you're already there.

at About the same time a scientist has developed a well-known today throughout the world the technique of Yoga of awareness, which is a combination of meditation and Hatha yoga.

Kabat-Zinn has also examined the influence of psso on psoriasis, pain, anxiety, brain function and immunity.

Depression is the noonday demon, which only you can see; the darkness, visible only by you.

Jon Kabat-Zinn is a member of the Institute of consciousness and life -- of the group that organizes the conference with the participation of the Dalai Lama and Western scientists.

psso scientist used by the US army to improve the "operational efficiency" fighters.

At the moment, Jon Kabat-Zinn is Professor Emeritus of medicine at the Medical school at the University of Massachusetts.

junction: biology, neuropsychology, Eastern practices, psychotherapy. meditation, awareness

I suggest to read: article in the newspaper the Irish Times “the Father of caring, mindfulness meditation”. 10.04.2012. Sylvia Thompson.

  • Books in Russian
    Wherever you're going, you're already there
    Practice meditation
    Self healing
    the way out of depression

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