
Blocks, obstacles and mistakes on the way to personal happiness.

Hello! Let's talk about such a large topic as different blocks and obstacles to personal happiness.

And to begin to define the steps that a every person from the state of loneliness to a state of parity. The scheme looks like this:

  1. Solitude.
  2. Find partners. Dating.
  3. partner.
  4. build a relationship. The formation of pairs.
  5. Go into a serious relationship.
  6. Marriage, family.

a Coaching program that leads you by the hand at all stages to a happy marriage is approximately 5 months. It is quite normal for a period to undergo transformation.

And in this short article let's try to go over a few blocks and obstacles that do not allow go of loneliness on life stage family happiness.

basically, they are between stages 1 and 2. Very often it's just hard to move out of state "so long lonesome" to "seek and find mutual love."

What prevents this? Negative subconscious programs. For example:

  • And suddenly there was pain coming? I will not survive. I don't want this to be. Better alone than to get hurt again. Don't want no more betrayals, disappointments and losses...
  • I Have kids, who needs me now? Other people's children are not wanted, so I now have nothing to catch..
  • At my age, happiness is impossible, who needs me now, when there is full young. And the man in the end still will go to a younger woman...
  • of Course, it would be great to find a man, but I need to be with weight? Here lose weight, and then.......
  • First you need to lose weight, and then to buy a new wardrobe, and then, maybe....
  • I guess happiness for me is impossible... I've tried and tried, all to no avail. Apparently, it lost me a way...
  • Maybe I something wrong? Why am I so unhappy???? All her friends were lucky, and I'm always like this! Fool! No one needs!
  • All of life is just not serious novels. Or Dating, so anything more is lead. Once upon a time, in his youth, barely met the man, and he married another. And since then – nothing, emptiness, and loneliness..
  • disappointed in men. Longer expect anything good from them.
  • There are a lot of fears associated with men. They had a separate article a little earlier.
  • etc.

What thoughts haunt you? How do you think they help to achieve personal happiness or hinder? And why?

And what else can be seemed insoluble problems of women? What mistakes can you avoid? Is a 3 main:

  • Stuck for years in a civil marriage. I can not decide on a serious conversation about change. Or a man strongly against the change, it suits all.
  • Stuck in pussy married men. Perform the role of a so-called "easy women". Although, on vacation together to ride. But unless it brings in the end the happiness you deserve?
  • You understand that it is not quite ready for a relationship. And it lasts for many years. Because speculative you want family happiness, but you are nothing, absolutely nothing doing to it! Well, maybe only do some women practice lying on the sofa. And that's all! Not acquainted, do not leave home, do not follow him, never happen. Etc.

This is with regard to internal state.

Let's do a little test. Can you:

  • Attract any man? To make sure that he came to meet?
  • to Show a man you are interested in? And to make sure that he came to meet?
  • are you Sure in myself that I can inspire any man to meet you?
  • to Build relationships on their own will and desire, and not what will happen?
  • Choose the right man and not settle for those who deign to look at you?
  • to Make the man invited you out on a date?
  • to Make the man the desired impression that he wanted to continue to look after you?
  • to Build relationships that lead to marriage?
  • to Inspire a man to make you an offer and be the only one for him?

the more "no" answers, the less chances you have to find family happiness. Yes, you understand it. Since you are so long one and subject to a large number of negative thoughts.

So you definitely need the book "a Happy marriage after 35". This step-by-step driving instructions on how to successfully marry for love and successful for the right man, even if you are over 35, and men is not a lot.

Details here:

Sincerely yours, AI.

Irina iris
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