
Want to start the first article on the subject with introductory words, this text will describe the things that I will touch upon in the space of your profile, about what I'm going to say something to help you cope.

What is Bullying?

In fact it is the intimidation and violent actions, repeated on a regular basis, which are accompanied by aggressive behavior, which in turn can be physical, verbal or relational, in person or online.

Physical Bullying - involves hitting, pushing, as well as theft, displacement or damage to your belongings, hazing, harassment or humiliation.

Verbal Bullying includes insulting nicknames, when you tease, mock and insult.

Relational Bullying - involves a complete disregard, forced to remove you from groups or activities, spreading of the Lodge or rumors about you, forcing you to ensure that you do not want to do.

In the age of technology and information freedom system Bullying have evolved and moved beyond physical contact to the network.

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying occurs when someone uses digital technology such as the Internet, emails, text messages or social media to belittle, threaten or humiliate you. Unlike traditional, Cyberbullying does not require personal contact and is not limited to only a few witnesses at a time.

Cyberbullying comes in all shapes and sizes - almost anyone with an Internet connection or mobile phone can Cyberbully someone, often without revealing his true identity.

Cyberbullying may haunt you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With a few clicks and couple of minutes, the humiliation can be witnessed by hundreds or even thousands of people online. Thus, even in a very comfortable and cozy place for themselves, will not feel safe.

Methods that people use for Cyberbullying can be as varied and inventive as the technology to which they have access. It ranges from sending threatening or insulting messages by e-mail, viber, chat rooms and social networks. Some cyberbully can create textronic social network with your data and create there anything, switching to your friends and family.

the consequences of Bullying?

People who were bullied most often burdened with painful feelings, having feelings of fear, sense of helplessness, hopelessness, loneliness, strong shame, and even guilty that the Bullying is their fault, not the antagonist. A very large proportion of people who were subjected to such long-term effects suffered from suicidal thoughts.

Physical health is likely to suffer, and many are at a great risk of developing mental health problems such as depression, low self esteem, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, borderline States and borderline personality disorder, BAR ...

People are passing through this experience, they begin to miss or drop out of school, work, isolate themselves from communion - to avoid bullying.

Although there are many reasons why the antagonists can attack you, they usually choose people who are "different" or do not fit into the mainstream. Perhaps you dress or act differently, or maybe your race, religion or sexual identity is not on the “taste”, and maybe you are a beginner and still could not find someone friendly. connection.

As you can see in the text I pointed out some psychological consequences of the conduct aimed at the person I am about to write.

it is Important to remember that you are not alone. Many of us went through this during some time in life. In fact, about 25 percent of children experience bullying, and at some point, many teenagers suffer from Cyberbullying. But whatever your circumstances, you don't need to put up with it. There are many people that can help you to overcome the problem, to maintain their dignity and keep their identity. This space is one of those places where I'll be for you to write and support, if you suddenly got stuck or went through similar situation.

Stanislav Malanin