
what is the process of liberation from alcohol dependence? This process is that I bring the knowledge and skills, and dependent person – learn to use it all on their own. Absolutely not needed “the history of the fall" of all details and – all become alcoholics in the same manner. Think about how you can become a professional in any field? Only through dedicated and long Hobbies in this case. Exactly the same way are all dependent, and this is good news, because if people could easily learn how to drink, then he could just as accurately to learn anything else, for example, of sobriety.

Working with addiction is possible, of course, only with a sober person. First, we connect positions, agree on common terminology to create an understanding for us of paramount importance is trust, without which no work simply will not work. It is important that people are convinced that itself and its difficulties, understand and not condemn. No exhortation or persuasion about the cast. We believe that once a person asked for help, he and we already know all the harmful effects of further alcohol consumption.

We make scientific justification that real change happens quickly, as a result of intensive campaigns and long-term efforts meaningless ("Nash equilibrium" of Nobel laureate John.Nash).

On the basis of achievements in neurochemistry, we show that dopamine (the pleasure hormone) is not working as used to think doctors, and it can and should be used in the process of liberation from addiction, allowing you to do that real easy. That is why the method is named "Magic Pill".

We are working out all the fears, currently available, for example, fear of never to raise a glass: neither a New Year nor birthday, ever. It is a powerful fear that many people does not even think of throwing.

Then development of techniques that allow you to instantly destroy the desire to drink, it's a practice, rehearsal, whatever you like to call it. And at the end – the refinement of acquired skills. As you can see, everything is simple and reliable. This can be done online if the person is far away. Total time – 10-20 hours.  

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