
           open reception:  FILM "CAGE", USA, 2000, directed by Tarsem Singh. 

One of the interesting movies about artificial intelligence that can be incorporated into psychotherapy when working with dissociirovati personality disorder. The film tells the story of a serial maniac killer, which helps to locate a psychiatrist (J. Lo). the Latest victim of the maniac is not found, but police believe that the girl can still be saved. A female psychiatrist is able to penetrate the consciousness of the person without direct traditional contact. 

Speaking of dissociative disorder, the film presents a rich imagistic world of trauma, filling the mind of the maniac: it's the archetypal characters of dreams and hallucinations, the figure of the Priest, resembling the ancient Egyptian God, sadistically usurping consciousness and sensual world of women-Birds sacrificed in the labyrinth. You can see how in the case of serious injury mental consciousness informano (inflated) archetypal contents as the first protection of the Self, spirit, from certain physical death. In the psyche of the suffering integrity of its I split into Divine immortal God and a mortal young child experiencing the flour. In fact, these two characters are two sides of the same coin (the Victim and the Stalker) once holistic mind. Triangle Cartman gets an embodiment with the introduction of a few Sadistic and Sacrifice of the Rescuer (of a psychiatrist). 

the Film is interesting not only a mind game, but beautiful visuals. Decorators and costume designers created on the canvas of the screen is rich and impressive colourful celebration, reminiscent of the animated paintings of Gregory Kolber "Ash and sand", watching which you find yourself in a special atmosphere, like a hypnotic trance and realize, Oh yeah, this is the archetypal world of trauma, which so captivates, fascinates and captivates. 

it is Obvious that the psychiatrist has its own nevalinna wound, and because it so resonates with the material of the maniac and the dissolution of his world, getting into his world and the inability to Wake up and get out of it, to be clear, objective mind. Psychoanalytic language this can be described as a hit analyst's countertransference to the client as if the material was native to the analyst. Thus, the film shows how the analyst loses its analytical, impartial position and can't further investigate the customer material becomes ineffective for help. I think then, where was her personal analysis? Or was the great hope for technology, and artificial intelligence? Flash in the pan. Jungian language we can say that at the heart of this film is the archetype of the Wounded healer, but in this case, it is still not healed and can't help falling into the trap of countertransference. Shadow side of the Healer is not yet integrated into his consciousness because he cannot establish a dialogue with the Shadow parts of the client, the more he falls under the power of the divine archetype, becoming his victim. There is a paradoxical situation: not knowing yourself a psychiatrist tries to help lost himself in unknown territory without a mental map and compass.

Instead of a psychiatrist as a Lifeguard connected to the case officer, a detective (a true lifesaver), whose objectivity and impartiality helps to locate the victim and rescue her. None of the police fraternity does not believe the detective, but his knowledge becomes intuitive insight, thanks to the contact with the sensual world as a result of a scientific experiment. Opened for him intuition is his third eye, which before was closed or atrophied unnecessary, since there was no contact with his soul. Now he can use this knowledge, the channel is open. 

Word, workshop and truthful film in content and form, which is very rare, I recommend this film for viewing, 10 of 10 points! And final questions: are We in a cage of what? Our consciousness, feelings, our experiences, injuries, their protection from injury? We fenced off from the world or from your inner world, which becomes so dangerous? That will allow us to establish contact with him and heal if it's an artificial intelligence? Maybe soul ties?

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