
psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy" itemprop="image" src='/foto/uploaded/upl_1531482606_336179.jpg'>

Classic psychoanalysis expected to meet 4-5 times a week. Duration of one session is 40-50 minutes. Psychoanalytic group format allows you to achieve or get as close as possible to the "deep layers" of the psyche, to the traumatic kernel, and in the course of further analysis, to change the destructive scenarios and patterns formed in early childhood.

At the same time, the client/patient lies on a couch and the analyst sits out of sight analysant that allows him to ignore the current reality and fall into their own unconscious, and, as a consequence, much more to remember, to know and to open up for therapy.In the course of psychoanalysis between the analyst and client are established a very special relationship of>Psychoanalysis this two relations in psychoanalytic space, which are governed by a kind of implied audience, the Third. In psychoanalysis, the role of this Third, the relationship analyst-analysand, performs the setting, is the role of the Law governing the psychoanalytic relationship, the role of Parental prohibition, the role of the Father. However, this law-the ban is not traumatic, on the contrary, it allows you to organize those deep, trusting relationships, structure them, to save it from chaos.

the Psychoanalytic therapy is a modern, short form of psychoanalysis. The differences of psychoanalytic therapy from classical psychoanalysis in that the number of sessions is usually limited to thirty (1-7 months), the couch is not mandatory, however, at the request of the client, sessions can take place using couches.

in the case of classical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy when working with clients, analyzed, mainly from its resistance, defense mechanisms, and transference, when discussing client issues, presented in the form of a symptom. First, clear the mere presence of protection and resistance, then their content is interpreted. The passivity of the analyst, and free recall of the client, gradually, lead to the needs of the latter to relive your past experiences in the present, to the occurrence of transfer phenomena, which, in its content, always different and unique, and when you focus on the therapist, often gets aggressive, erotic, or idealizing nature.

the Analyst contributes to the revival of past experience of the client, helps him remember the story of his life, origins and typical reactions to different life circumstances, including those in which manifest painful symptomatology. With the same purpose, remember, analyzed, and interpreted dreams. Gradually, through self-examination, understanding of their characteristic defense mechanisms and transfer reactions, the patient begins to perceive the painful symptoms as alien to his personality, he has a sense of relief, liberation from interpersonal conflicts and pathological symptoms.

the success of the therapy depends on the degree of trust between the analyst and the client. The more he can open up and tell the psychoanalyst, the more noticeable changes in personality and in the client's life. Is that real trust only occurs after one to two years. It depends mainly on the peculiarities of the psyche of the patient, and established the psychoanalytic relationship (Alliance).In the course of psychoanalysis a person can learn about a lot of new, often frightening him. So, intimacy with Another will help him to explore hitherto unknown, the dark labyrinths of the inner world that were previously inaccessible to him. That is why some of the conditions and symptoms are difficult to detect, and to work independently: psychological protection will allow you to get close to the traumatic core pain points. since the approximation can be devastating to the psyche. Psyche allowed to repressed traumatic events in a safe analytic space, in a relationship of trust and proximity.

On psychoanalysis there are many myths, the main of them: unnecessarily expensive; a long time; not for everyone. In fact, the symptoms in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy are often removed as fast as in other psychotherapy and possibly even faster. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessions, conflicts - getting rid of these symptoms, in some cases, occurs over several meetings. However, please be aware of the individual characteristics, differences in the degree and depth of the current state. Therefore, to determine the required number of sessions can only be in a one to two personal meetings. The patient can stop the analysis at any time, when his situation is resolved.

a Natural question about the duration of the psychoanalysis, because, sometimes it can last for 3-5 years, and longer. The duration of classical psychoanalysis are due to the "speed" a fundamental change, reorganization/restructuring of the elements of the psyche. After all, what evolved over the years, it is impossible to change in a week. Depressive episode as more serious condition can be fast, but if there were structural changes in the psyche, the condition will return. In the course of therapy, help. understanding the Other, can be quickly found the way out of the situation/condition, but to give to germinate and gain a foothold in the new yourself, it takes time.

about the cost of psychoanalysis: the most common psychoanalytic therapy, even cheaper than other destinations. The cost of a session with a good specialist, on average, $ 2000 In mode one or two meetings a week, this amount is no different from the cost of therapy in other approaches. Often, therapists are more willing than other areas, making concessions in the price of the session, if the financial circumstances of the client change.

the Main difference between psychoanalysis from other directions, only that psychoanalysis presupposes the existence of hidden in the unconscious, drives and motives that lead our lives, beyond what is obvious. Besides psychoanalysis, there is no General criteria of mental norms. Since the symptom is a kind of "deliverer" from suffering, so, normally what saves us from this suffering. The norm is some imaginary ideal, therefore, psychoanalysis does not put diagnoses, although there are theories and diagnostic methods.

the most Important ethical rules of psychoanalytic practice are: confidentiality, integrity, observance of the interests of the client.

Fomochkina Svetlana