
In our region, as everywhere in the Russian Federation, in recent years there is increase of birth of children with pathologies the ODE (musculoskeletal system). Work on the correction and development of socio-emotional and personal sphere of children should begin as early as possible and include all possible measures for the social adaptation and inclusion of children with disabilities in society of healthy children on an equal basis, to the extent possible in modern conditions.

the System of collective creative activity allows a "special" child to build his mental and physical adequate connectivity with the outside world, to build productive social contact with the average healthy peers and adults, to gain experience of social interaction in inclusive education.

When implementing the model KTD for children with disabilities is happening all-round development of creative abilities "special" child, the awakening of his social activity, foster a sense of self-esteem, the formation of self-esteem.

System KTD forms of "special" children the ability to select active life position, in contrast to the limitations of the child the role of a passive consumer of benefits and privileges. A child with disabilities living under the system of KTD, according to their psychophysical capabilities provides active participation in reforms aimed at improving the life of society.

the Nature and content of social and cultural integration at KTD aims to improve the General level of activity of the child with disabilities with the goal of comprehensive rehabilitation and social integration. Developing the identity of the "special" child optimizes his individual development, the humanization of the social-psychological environment.

In the system KTD "Special" child finds his place in society in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, optimization is segregation (isolation) and socio — integrative forms of leisure activities of children with disabilities.

KTD implements the resources and potentials of cultural and leisure activities, attracting in the framework of inclusion of secondary school, volunteer projects, using the method of mainstreaming for maximum socio-cultural integration of children with disabilities in the immediate society.

Alferev Catherine
Портал «Клуб Здорового Сознания»
2015 - 2024

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