
Good day day, friends!) That morning razmisli. Overcome the complex of "I'm a Fucking salesman" 😁

🍌somehow we have to overcome the natural urge to nevybocovala themselves in terms of FB and sales services.

🍋 As it is necessary to grow hysterical cultural part, not to suffer conscience of what is NECESSARY every day to be an eyesore subscribers and friends, otherwise the publication will not see any.

🌽🥦 As it is necessary to give the extrovert a package with oxygen to breathe and began to speak with people.

🍆 As it is necessary for introvert to send to the Smoking room, sawmill, e-book reader, so it was very busy and tired.

🍒 somehow want to feed ashamed of the baby, which worried that his nature is so absurd and inappropriate smeared on the walls and carpet. (Love you, know it, and now -- obnimashka)

🍄 somehow want to take rashlebyvay the male part for the eggs and harshly say "balls of Steel! Give Dalby the stone, it is alterability art of small steps".

🥥 As it is necessary to figural female part, pressed her Tits and hips, and said: "the woman's got her weapons."

🥑 somehow impossible to impossible to get out of the cave crazy psychopath with no regard for morality and law, as long as all heard, seen and felt his conscription ", Ahahaa!" And he's with a hot pizza on the threshold

🍊 I want to kind of raise the Titanic with the spirits, to clean the mount and run the restored ship on the ocean. To improve Board, equipment, electrician, etc. Cool the liner it was. Iceberg bitch

🍑 once can dream about how I will be able to travel freely through cities and countries, mountains and lakes, seas and oceans.


Open set in psychotherapeutic group work with anxiety, superstition and magic in our relationships and lives "the way of the Witch and Magician". Record and detailed info by phone
8 9262768790 or write in lichku

a description of the group here

#Psihologiya #Putevodnaia #salesianergasse #say #postSoviet #isteroid #schizoid #travel

Galina Garaeva