
of Course, that loving parents may have questions about your child, his slightest changes in mood, behavior, when I want to rush to his aid. But when the love, attention, patience does not help the baby, it is possible, and sometimes necessary to consult a specialist.

After his birth and before the entry into adult life the child is a difficult path. In different age stages parents notice changes in their child. First, the path of parent care is becoming a major source to meet the needs of the baby. And, it seems that there is no more important task in the world, just in time to feed the baby, change the diaper and more to walk with them.

But the child grows and becomes more independent every day and we already have a man with his special inner world, with own desires, habits, tastes, quite often persistently approving its independence. And there may be difficulties with education. The thoughts and feelings of a baby different from an adult. The child is slowly but surely moving forward in its development. How does it happen? What is happening in his inner world? There are few parents who at certain points in the education of the child did not ask himself the question: "What's happening? Why my baby does not obey, why angry, why all of a sudden crying or laughing, why now he is so obedient, and after a while starts to be stubborn; why today does not want to go to the garden or to school, and tomorrow runs there with pleasure?" With the advent of adolescence, the questions become more, and sometimes it seems to be at an impasse.

How to answer all these questions, how to help your child and it does not damage the fragile inner world, which it lays down? For many moms and dads in some periods, these questions become particularly acute. To solve them will help a child psychologist.

Child psychologist in their work is based on knowledge about the regularities of mental development of the child. It helps children to become adults, to smoothly overcome the natural difficulties in the development of personality, teaches the ability to communicate with others and how to better unlock their potential, to develop harmoniously thinking, memory, imagination, given the unique individuality of each.

How is the meeting?

when you Call, you can schedule an appointment. I often advise parents to pre-meet and discuss topics without the child. At such a meeting it becomes a clear problem that it is impossible to describe on the phone. And sometimes lost the need to connect child.

On the first and subsequent meetings, one of my main objectives to get acquainted with the child. I think a very important point - mutual contact. In the consultations I use art tools. Together we draw, sculpt, play, if necessary, carry out tests. All of these methods and forms of work help to know the child, to be there in his search of solutions to difficult situations. I avoid giving advice. Truly important for children to find their way, realizing your potential and desires.

I Want to add, if you think about the help of a psychologist, you should not delay a visit to him for an indefinite period, because the child is developing very fast, going through one phase after another and you just lose most favorable period for the development of a skill to solve a particular problem. The best time to determine the tactics and strategy to overcome the resulting crisis than to redo something or breaking into the child later.

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