
Working in therapy with sleep client the erotic genre, it is always difficult to assume what it will be and what we will come to the end of the session.

a Dream is a coded message of our psyche. It's bright and deep intensity of the experience of feelings that sometimes accompany us for a few days, all returning to the dream plot.

Our mind is driven by not only conscious, but also powerful layers of the subconscious and the unconscious, they are reflected in our dreams. It is not necessary to interpret the dream literally. The unconscious speaks to us in symbols.

the performance of certain techniques in Gestalt therapy, for the translation and interpretation of the story of the dreamer, helps better understand his life situation in which it is at present, his feelings about some events, to identify destructively Paterna behavior.

identification with the images of the dream the dreamer, and playing them as subjects, with the possibility of change in a positive way for him, gets a new experience of interaction with the world.

That is typical to work with dreams of an erotic nature, when customers sometimes encounter in a dream orgasm, as a rule, faced with shame, guilt, condemnation.

And if you dream something socially unacceptable - the client in the role of rapist pervert the idea to try on this role, usually cause a strong resistance. And if the dreamer does this, then immediately turn into this maniac. Although in reality, the client comes into contact with something a strong, resource, or Vice - versa, vulnerable and timid that part of himself that he usually in itself does not notice, or has blocked access to it.

According to this, playing the uncomfortable role of the characters from the dream, can be a resource in the assignment itself modes of action, activity, determination, coming into contact with their energy. Often in everyday life it is blocked, and the more blocked, the worse and brighter will be the deeds of the hero of erotic dreams.

My client had a dream that he was a sexual maniac. And that the most terrible dream for him was cruel sexual acts in a perverted form that he did like women, and men, at the end of their killing. Women fought longer and aggressive, and men he was soft and tender. Sexual intercourse with opposite-sex partners in a dream, the most frightened client and there was a lot of shame.

Working with each element of the dream and the character separately, I noticed the unfolding conflict. And as in sleep, all its characters and elements is a different reflection of the dreamer, the conflict in the dream is reflecting some internal. And in the dream can be divided into two parts and the state: male and female, and what female active and aggressive, and the male is energetically weak, which led to thinking of the customer about the imaginary leanings.

When we ran the Parallels with real life client, it was found that with women he's not really a relationship and all the male energy is directed to his military profession, where everything is subordinate to and under the Charter.

Next, I in order to change roles to soproizvodnje dialogue between the characters (its different parts: male and female). In the end, the client began to feel more freely and resortno, and as Bud received permission to be active with the opposite sex. At the conclusion of the session we some time discussing how he could be active in communication and familiarity with the girls in his real life.

overall, the work was a resource for the client, as it has long period of its life out of determination to action with the opposite sex. Of course one dream is not enough to have something radically change in your life, but it can be a starting point for further work in therapy.

When we sleep and see dreams, often in the role of witnesses

what is happening, and when we develop the story and play the role of each of the characters, we therefore adopt their energy, actions, and qualities in the present tense for us very important and necessary.

Working with your dreams, we are regaining the lost ways of behavior and the associated choice of reactions to the new situation.

Inna Potapenko
Портал «Клуб Здорового Сознания»
2015 - 2024

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