
a Post about amateurism have collected a lot of feedback. Almost everyone met with the newcomers, who with aplomb prove his innocence, but actually don't know too many. And well, if it's just talk, because such figures can and do harm.

Where did these come from super-confident newcomers?

This is the effect of Dunning-Kruger.

by the Way, remember the joke that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - is not husband and wife, and four different people? Dunning-Kruger, too.

Justin Kruger and David Dunning is an American social psychologists, who in 1999 put forward the hypothesis, and then conducted a series of experiments.

In their opinion, newcomers with low skills:

1. Tend to overestimate their own skills.
2. Unable to adequately assess the high level skills of others.
3. Unable to comprehend the depth of their incompetence.
4. After training, they have the ability to realize the level of their previous incompetence, even if their true competence after training, virtually unchanged.

I too have experienced this effect myself. Many years ago, when I was doing therapy for the first steps, I was pretty confident. In the time I had just completed a course in NLP practitioner, knew 8 technician, and believed that any task I is feasible, and analysts have wasted years on psychotherapy.

Then this confidence gave way to despair - I can't help anyone, I don't understand how it works psychotherapy, and even doubt that it works...
But I stayed in the profession, he continued to learn and practice - and gradually came to stability and confidence. But this confidence is already there. Not like a rookie "now we all cocked hat", and with the understanding of the depth and detail knowledge of the principles and a clear vision of what I'm doing at any given moment.

- what about the newcomers? asked me in the comments after the last post. - What do they not work, they also need to gain experience!

of Course, beginners can and should work, otherwise they will never reach their professionalism. But would like to remain adequate, not to declare yourself a super-mega-guru, and continue to evolve, learn and improve their skills.

Because there is also the opposite risk - to remain forever a beginner who is just learning and not doing anything, because his knowledge is never enough to start.

Continue to learn and I, despite the fact that has already passed the "valley of despair" without the continuous development and interest in the new it is impossible to remain in the profession.

how do You faced with the effect of Dunning-Kruger, in his professional activities or in other areas?

Know who are Dunning and Kruger? :)