
Remember the sensational tale of beauty and the beast? Where the beast turns into a Prince, should be a passionate kiss and the movie theater is drowning in the tears of sentimentality. Men are really excited because they had the opportunity to watch this story and not "fast and furious". Jokes-jokes, but in real life fairytale characters expect a sequel where the monster will once again be a beast, Mrs Potts, you may drink too much, and Belle will suffer in the tallest tower. And so friends, let's add a little bit of action and talk about FAMILY CRISES. In this post I want to consider only seven years of their lives, and to highlight the main problems which occur in pairs.
the Crisis of the first year, the first crisis faced by a young family, the honeymoon period has passed, and the monster is forced to live. Belle and the beast from different families, and each tries to impose its model of behavior. There comes the struggle for power, but love and good sex temper the conflict. The main task of this period to negotiate
about the rules, but there is a little trick if "Belle" will Be stronger
and crush a man, she can leave the castle forever. Let us advise her to be a little more cunning.
Crisis of the third year. Sex is not surprising. And if Belle and the Beast do not agree, then begins the grind. If before she could pass through the scattered socks, but now it is frankly mad. At this time, there is a greater number of divorces. Love sleeping and Belle realizes that the Beast in front of her,
and not a hairy pussy. As in the first year is very important to learn to negotiate, only now it is more difficult to do. But if an agreement happened, the relationship will move to the next level. It's worth the price, believe me.
the Birth of a child. Belle and the Beast try on new roles and if they had only been lovers, but now it's time to become parents. There are new responsibilities and less and less time to be lovers.
the Fifth year of life is marked by the fact that Belle has to go to work, but to be a mother, a lover and a career woman.Advise the monster to help his wife, otherwise, she could have "Gaston".
Seventh year which is a feeling that life in the castle became monotonous plus growing expenses of the family, kindergarten, school etc. will Advise to our heroes to find time for yourself. Because the child receives love through the parents ' love to each other

Andrey Yanovsky
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