
Wanted to talk to you today about how well to do what you love. br>
As an experienced professional in psychotherapy/psychology, I can confidently show you how important it is! lesson favorite work. br>
the fact that some of us are not where they need to be. If you are doing things you love (I want to draw your attention to this!), you will not be able to execute it as well as my favorite job. As favorite work always wants to play with love, care and attention, putting the most valuable of their resources: energy, time, money. br>
We all can find the "right" deal for us, but it will not be you native. br>
we are all aware that the favorite thing you never want to throw or run, even in the beginning it brings little financial return. br>
Sooner or later, you will understand that favorite thing kudaa brings more happiness and joy than usual. And you can find a permanent and good job for myself, but if it is not to your liking, there is a high likelihood that very quickly get bored, and may even start to annoy you. br>
Though will understand that it is important to provide for their families in abundance, but something will torment inside. br>
And Your calling, believe me, at first glance, it may seem to you some nonsense and you just pass by, not even thinking about how good you will be with this job. Some avoid even thinking about the fact that it's their job and continue to seek his destiny. That's good, because the sense of purpose, the search always lead to good results. But, when you can be sincere with them, you will discover what you have hidden from yourself - your love for something. br>
In my life I took an informed interest in psychology in the first year of the Conservatory. But the teacher was very rude when I approached her after a couple with a question: "what to read on psychology?" Her rude answer hurt me and I said to myself inside that I don't need "this is your psychology", turned and walked away. And for many years after that I kept myself to look. br>
by the Way I am, if you want to know exactly what found a job that I feel good. I was in search for a good job. Tried different sector. I received higher education in the music industry. Tried to learn and to be a lawyer and Manager, and marketer. Almost got a degree in management, but after 2 months (just in time) abandoned the idea of writing the diploma . br>
a Lot of training, I passed, yet not turned their attention again to psychology. I immediately went to University, where she was fully trained psychologist. Every semester I was immersed in this profession deeply and with passion. And now, after a few years I absalyutno realized that this is my work. Some will not understand me saying : how is it? You went into business, invested money and effort, not exactly knowing whether the so-called "exhaust"? Well, you can see that you are faced with quite a successful woman. I believed in myself and this belief was youplease each time stronger when I realized that I love him. The case is given a complete return on my investment and now I a very good living doing what he LOVED! case.

I brought not little use to the world doing its thing! My children appreciate what I give them of what you have learned and acquired in the profession, and they also received quite a mother. br>
As you know I have helped people adapt in this world. I can help you. And heartily suggest you find your destiny don't turn away from it, not to sit in a boring job that is not suitable for you. br>
Often do things you love, spend time having fun and your life will not pass in vain!

Tatiana Osintseva
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