
a lot of the forum, sounding something like "why I took out a loan", "how to improve the financial position" and so on.

to Share his experience in this part. So, what is a loan. A simple example of psychology. You make a promise. But do not perform. So you - what? Right. A promise is a psychological credit. A breach of promise - failure to return this "loan". Only here we are talking about credibility. The people, giving promises and not fulfilling them regularly and systematically, as a rule, are bad borrowers.

If you still want to go and spend some time in debt. Solve the following questions.

1. What is the REAL income will bring you the loan. In terms of money. Most things bought on credit - have a negative yield. The clearest example is the automobile. Why do you need a car loan? You with it going to make? Auto, borrowed and removed from the salon immediately! - will cost at least 20% less. Even if you have traveled 100 meters.

I marvel at the people who buy on credit phones price 50-100 thousand rubles at a salary of 30 thousand! Why do you need this camera? What are you gonna do with it? From phone for this price the profit will be. No. Never. Only if you are not a professional counselor by phone, and you don't need to work.

the Clearest example of what actually CAN and SHOULD borrow is training. Training ALWAYS pays off more than 100%. Assuming, of course, competent selection of the training course (but that's another story).

mortgage. Generally a separate article. Are you sure that your apartment is worth to pay for it twice or even three times? Might be worth counting and, renting a home, save for your own? Or at least - to save the largest part of the required amount?

2. Psychologically estimate that within N months of years you will pay a certain amount of money. Imagine. You earn 10 000 per month. And give 5 000. And so 3 years. What you will deny? Whether will arrange you it? Only in the case of a definite YES - it is possible to think further.

3. Reserves. This question, due to the financial illiteracy of the majority of the Russian population, in General, rarely comes up. Thus, the levels of redundancy as follows:

- you must - simply must - have in reserve "fireproof" amount for a "rainy day". "Black day" is an illness, child birth, wedding, other urgent unexpected expenses. This amount should not have ANY relation to your loan. And should be, at least - at least! - 2-3 of your wages, and certainly should NOT be less than 100 thousand rubles (as of today)

- you have to - again, just have to have at least 10 of your loan payments in reserve. Dismissal from work, temporary incapacity for work, something else - can cause loss of income. Don't need to agree, if the Bank offers you "insurance against job loss". It's a hoax. The conditions are that the payment you will almost certainly not get.

thus, the reserve amount = 2-3 your wage + a minimum of 10 payments on the loan (NOT including the initial payment).

Agree, you will be calmer, if you will have financial rear.

4. The first installment.

It needs to be at least 20, but preferably 30% of the debt. It is a guarantee that you will be able to pay the debt. If you have a smaller amount - forget about credits.

5. The percentage of the debt amount, the payment amount and your income.

Better, if the family work at least two of those people who signed up for the repayment of the loan (husband and wife, mother and daughter, etc.)

loan Payment should be NO more than 30%, high - 40% of the amount of YOUR PERSONAL income. Not total family. But your PERSONAL. Because the second person - though a "backup option", tomorrow may refuse to repay the loan and so you can get a divorce, etc.

actually, even 30% is a lot. Let's say your salary is 100 thousand, you for credit give 30 thousand. You have a child. The wife in the decree. And elderly parents. The classical picture. A large or small payment.

the Optimal debt load in relation to PERSONAL income - not more than 15-20%. In addition, the higher your salary, the lower the percentage of debt obligations.

the TOTAL amount of debt, if it is:

- consumer loans - should not exceed 4-5 of your paycheck

- car loan (if they did not listen to me) - not more than 10 wage

- a mortgage. Here it is difficult. Count on repayment for at least 10 years. Not 20, not 25 and even more - not 30.

6. What good is a "long" credit.

Yes, certain benefits are available. You fix the price, for example, real estate in the long term. Given Russia's high inflation.

7. The psychology of credit.

With a loan to live uncomfortable. In any case. Try to put out as much as possible and as quickly as possible. Remember that a loan may entail additional expenses. For example, the mortgage is always can result in repair and the birth of a child.

Additional risks when just not worth it to take loans:

- have you or your immediate family members about whom you care, are serious diseases that require expensive treatment/examination

- the presence of significant mandatory costs, such as children's education

- the presence of their earlier loans (except when refinancing).

8. What else not to do.

Never sponsoring the "car payments", "loan for a fur coat."

you do Not need to get hooked on card "interest-free installments". Because they are like a drug. It is a financial drug for the uninitiated.

Exception - family mortgages.

Never take credit "for brother", "aunt", "uncle", "friend". Never. No matter how asked. Whatever was being blackmailed. Whatever a high risk to spoil relations. Is YOUR credit history. By the way, have you read your credit history? When was the last time?... It is the same.

Remember, ladies and gentlemen, the credit is a useful tool. But you must always remember about the risks. And not to borrow that do not really need.

Wean to live in debt. Live within your means. It is a question of psychological health and balance.

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