
So it happened that the word "depression" is used by many of us without any reason. Ended vacation and don't want to go to work – say that we're depressed. Don't fit in your favorite dress – she's darling. Had a fight with your loved one – whatever feelings we had, from resentment to anger, – his as well as depression.

there Are cases and much more difficult when life seems a failure, empty and meaningless. But if these feelings are fleeting and can find the strength to give up on problem areas and immerse yourself in a hobby or socializing with like-minded people, and it is not worth talking about depression. These are all natural reactions of the individual into trouble and difficulty, without which no life of any one person.
Depression – the lady is cunning. If she comes, not for an hour, not a day or two, and captures one direction of life and all. Depression is a prolonged state of melancholy, depression, joyless existence, feelings of hopelessness, apathy to what is happening, pessimistic vision of the future. All of this leans on the man in the aggregate, under the weight of the experiences he sees no way out, and that further exacerbates the problem, not trying to find him.
It is indeed, depression. And staying in depressed people in need of help.

Who is most susceptible to depression
to Paraphrase a famous saying, from depression to not renounce, as the "from prison and from Sumy". At the confluence of several factors it can cover any person, regardless of his age, social status, financial situation and other characteristics. However, medical, psychological and social developments make it possible to identify the most vulnerable personality types to action of stress factors. These include:
• Personality with a keen sense of justice, hard-working, highly responsible, Executive, and conscientious.
• the Melancholic type – a person with high personal anxiety, sensitive and vulnerable, striving for consistency and order, meticulous and demanding of himself.
• a Person with low mood, tend to be pessimistic and self-incrimination, which focused on mistakes and failures, have low self esteem and focused on negative consequences.

How to identify a depressed person?
There are medical symptoms of depression. They are all visible upon closer observation. But for the treatment medical way the doctors in the case where there are a number of signs of the doldrums for some time. Such symptoms include:
• permanently reduced background mood: sadness, melancholy, indifferent look;
• isolation in communication, isolation from the group, avoidance of contacts;
• General weakness, low physical activity;
• mental retardation: a long time can not grasp the meaning, pessimistic statements;
• self-blame and self-deprecation.
These manifestations characterize the clinical cases associated with the experience of intense stress, exacerbation of neuropsychiatric diseases or due to certain medication. In these cases there is clinical depression which is controlled by a doctor and find ways to help.
But, it is important to know that these signs are observed and those who are experiencing depression generated by psychological factors. examples of psychological factors that can plunge into severe emotional experience, should include the loss of loved ones, the difficulties of adapting to alien conditions, harassment by a group of people, the so-called mobbing. This list is not exhaustive.

How to help deal with depression.
Symptoms of depression to notice, first, the close environment of the person. Depressed suffering from almost never embodied in a direct call for help. In conversation with him often slip in phrases of uselessness, worthlessness, meaninglessness of their existence. People who are in the doldrums, not trying to get out. He lacks strength and energy, but more often he does not feel any value of his own life and sees no meaning, for what he should fight for himself.

the Practical work depression shows that can be divided into three categories of people who, at the siege of depression have different resource state.

1) People who know that whatever heavy experiences, you need to at least grasp at a straw to stay afloat. Now immensely hard, bitter, painful, but you need to somehow find the strength to survive. They do not yet see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I hope for his existence.

2) People familiar with examples, when to overcome a black band helped close to appeal to the therapist, moving and the beginning of a lifelong history with the new page and similar "interference". The main problem is that they think their situation is exceptional, and hopeless, and think that such methods are not able to help them personally.

3) People are unaware that there are any opportunities to help. Depression for them is a trap from which they cannot escape without external assistance.

If the identity refers to the first of these categories, it will look for ways of overcoming depression. She consciously can "vaccinate" joy to try to change some small details, so they caused a little bit of joy, to resort to therapy with nature (walks, caring for Pets and plants, etc.). Often the representatives of this category seek the help of a therapist.

Deeper mired in the quagmire of depression are those who believe that to help them nothing, and no one can. And here the role of others. While they will insist on access to a doctor or therapist residing in the doldrums will stubbornly contradict and resist. And this is, albeit aggressive, but active. Patient explanations that together with the therapist easier to look at the problem from a new angle and to see new ways to solve it, can find a response that will be the first step from inactivity to the decision that you have to at least try to change the situation.

Special people are in the third category. Theoretically, they had also heard that there are hotlines, therapists. Do they know others who can help. But, as a rule, they are so stunned and entangled causing depression and conditions that they think that they are left with horrible circumstances alone. To a large extent, these people are driving themselves into depression themselves. They have a lot of different taboos and principles that they do not allow themselves to break. They are very long suffering stressful circumstances, which in the end, is unbearable for the individual. Such people are shown the treatment to the therapist even in the more stable period, not just the depressed, to open the new reality and expand the boundaries of the space that they have created.

Depression is a pretty powerful element. It knows only one who survived. It is extremely important that there was a indifferent people, who can sympathize with trying to stir up, to maintain close, which is in the doldrums. Before it would gather strength to do independent steps, he needs a reliable shoulder.

as prevention, it would be good to learn how to treat depression how to reverse side of joy. When this is the essence of the depression was opened by Erich Maria Remarque is a writer whose works are taught to live in joy even in the most difficult situations involving irreversibility of the upcoming events. He is the author of the phrase: "long live the depression – the flip side of joy!" When you know that depression is changed to another period, filled with completely different emotions and mood, there is a belief that the time will come and life will again turn to its positive side. But if not to idle and to take steps forward, then joy will fill your life much faster.

Natalia Koloskova

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