
the Roads are not gift, expensive attention. The gifts are different, it's true. And the tradition is to give them seems to be ineradicable. To predict with a gift, especially to an unfamiliar person, for example, a colleague is almost impossible. The family made a long time ago to ask, or give money — you buy what you want.

With the advent of the Internet, the idea to generate online lists of desired gifts, the so-called wish lists. But the popularity of it, it seems, is also not acquired. A gift is always a surprise. Asking for specific gifts is awkward and considered a sign of commercialism. But posting a wish list, we still don't know who from the list will give. And give it at all? What is not a surprise? br>
Gift certificates — an alternative to a cash gift. Offered is actually a certain amount of money, but spend it only on specific products or services. Also very controversial option, however, any better the next set of "go wash yourself" or useless souvenir.

the Most controversial, perhaps, is the option of a gift certificate for a consultation with a psychologist. Although the idea is not new, the great demand, it also does not use. To appeal to professionals in healing souls is still considered something shameful. Despite the fact that in Russia private practice psychologists exist for almost three decades.

But the problem with this gift is not even that. But first and foremost that the decision to appeal a person can take only himself. And if he has no inner need and readiness, the gift this can be interpreted in very different ways. "They think I'm crazy?!" — a normal reaction. The myth that psychologists go crazy, very much alive.

the effectiveness of the presented advice is also questionable. If people decided to use it, for example, that did not disappeared. Came without request, for fun, just to see. What he wants — knows that will get — is not clear. And then do not use it. Then the money for the gift was wasted... Well, maybe I'll re-given to someone who "needed".

So like if someone wanted to bestow all personal therapist, and the venture failed in the Bud. However, I still don't see anything wrong with the fact that there is such a possibility. And it is important that she was. So I created my own program of gift certificates, where you tried to anticipate all the pitfalls.

I especially don't advertise anywhere, but in my practice there is always one seat for those who are not the resources to pay for therapy at the moment. Depending on the life situation of the client I can offer a big discount or some free meetings.

In this program I have completed a few occasions. And I can only say one thing. Yes, therapy should be paid is the rule. First and foremost it is for therapists. Free on the fade out on one-two-three and out of the profession forever. From anywhere basically, just in psychology this is much faster.

But there are exceptions, without which there is no one rule. Life is complicated. It is important to always be able to get professional help. In any field

how do you feel about the idea of a gift certificate for services of a psychologist/therapist?