
Headache familiar to almost every inhabitant of the globe. Sometimes it can indicate serious diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and brain tumors. Therefore, if you are plagued by frequent headaches, the first thing you need to undergo a medical examination to exclude severe somatic pathology. But often it is otherwise a headache, and no serious reasons for this not find. Usually, this kind of headache occurs at the moment of stress or with prolonged emotional stress. Let's look at what is a headache from the point of view of psychology and how and why it occurs.

first you need to say a few words about stress and its associated condition called regression. Stress is mechanism, designed to protect us from danger. To act in a moment of stress the person begins the same nature, in the simplest way. Higher nervous activity at which time disabled and included other mechanisms based on the instincts and reflexes. That is, under stress people psychologically are returned, first, to earlier stages of human development (a time when nature was formed in these reactions), as well as to earlier stages of its development, i.e. in early childhood (time when the people had to face different stress factors (any unusual effects of the environment) and learn to cope with them).

You probably noticed that very often when people get scared or nervous, begin to act irrational, aggressive or cry, feel a lot of unpleasant bodily sensations – palpitations, tremor, headache. This is the regression. That is, in simple terms, regression is the return to more simple ways of reacting, including bodily. From the point of view of physiology all clear. Under stress mobilized all forces of the body, changes occur in all organs and systems, designed to save a person's life. What happens on a psychological level? But on a psychological level, the person falls into the children's condition begins to experience the bodily sensations and emotions, which were in early childhood, when these reactions were formed. This happens due to the fact that the primary reactions that formed us in childhood are the strongest. All the following are only a superstructure and at the time of stress they are disabled, leaving only the body necessary for survival.

This is true for both situations acute stress ( adversity, injury, illness) and chronic, where modern man dwells constantly, in fact also fighting for their survival as primitive man, only in other ways. Chronic stress is not manifested so clearly as sharp, but changes in the body still occur, including on the physical level. And one of the most striking examples of regression and at the same time a constant indicator of chronic stress are headaches.

the easiest way to tell about it describing several types of headaches separately.

1.Headache, covering his head from all sides, and localized in the top of the head. The so-called "helmet neurasthenic".

there is a surge of muscles of the head.

for the First time a child feels when passing the birth canal. That is, in fact, headache birth or long collision with obstacle. And the more protracted and difficult birth, the more likely that person in the future will be tortured headaches of this type. Especially in situations when the front will stand hard and long to overcome obstacles or when the situation will seem hopeless.

most Often, these pains are characteristic for a certain kind of people – giperatidnyi, self-critical, exacting to itself.

2.Headache in the frontal region.

a Small child thinks of his forehead. All that is in his interest, misunderstanding, difficulty accompanied with tension of the frontal muscle.

Such a headache in adulthood often occurs in people who have a long time to think about any problem, or the inability to resolve this issue.

This is the headache of making decisions.

3.Pain in the temples.

Formed in early childhood when the child is not allowed to make excuses, to Express their point of view. From this, there is a constant tension of the muscles of the jaws. Such children usually grow up to be people who are not able to defend their interests, afraid to Express their point of view, to Express their feelings. And these people often suffer from headaches of this type.

It is a headache of restraint or opposition.

4.Pain in the neck.

Associated with the so-called "primary control" - teaching children to keep a level head. This is one of the first conscious advances in the management of his body, the first effort of which the child commits himself. It is given to the child with sufficient labour, so are not yet Mature enough communication between brain cells and muscles.

Accordingly, in adult life, every time when a person needs to make a volitional effort to overcome an obstacle, take some responsibility, his tense muscles of the neck and there is pain in the neck.

It is a headache of liability.

  • Pain okolovrusno region.
  • there is a surge okoloplodnykh muscles.

    childhood is the desire to hide from something, her eyes closed. Same thing in adult life – the unwillingness to accept reality for what it is, an unwillingness to see what is not satisfied, causing the regression of, respectively, the tension in those muscles.

    From the foregoing it is clear that headaches from the point of view of psychology, it one of the manifestations of regression, return to the children's condition in times of stress. Hence methods of treating headaches using psychotherapy. First and foremost is the reduction of stress levels by using breathing, relaxation techniques. Second, it exercises a weakening of muscle or muscle stress, which actually cause pain. Finally, it is a conscious return to the children's condition, to correct those psychological characteristics that contribute to specific responses to certain stressors. This response, at the level of conditioned reflex, initiates the stress response of a particular person and puts strain on certain groups of muscles, leading to pain. This scheme of treatment of headaches is different from the usual in medicine, but it can cope with the headaches neurogenic nature because it affected the earliest profound moments of formation of the problem, not just treats the symptom.