
Allergy (from the Greek. allos—other and ergon—business), it's evolutionary-driven, protective, but excessive reaction of the organism to the introduction of a stimulus (allergen). The excessive reaction leads to autoaggressive manifestations; i.e., the human body, defending himself may suffer. Developing pathology. And even people may die if an allergic reaction will lead to disruption of any vital functions.

Isolated biological, pharmaceutical, household, pollen, food and industrial allergens. An allergen can be almost any drug. Most commonly cause allergic reactions are antibiotics, primarily penicillin (up to 16 % of cases). The frequency of these reactions increases with repeat courses of treatment.

Among household allergens plays a major role household dust — dust particles from carpets, clothing, bedding, pieces of insects, fungi (in wet areas), bacteria. The main allergenic component of house dust mites are microscopic, their feces. This group includes the so-called epidermal allergens-hair, wool, animal dander, crustacean Daphnia, which is used as food for aquarium fish. An increasing number of allergic reactions to household chemicals, especially detergents.

Allergy Symptoms can be local and General.

Local symptoms:

  1. Nose: swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis)
  2. Eyes: redness and pain in conjuctiva (allergic conjunctivitis)
  3. Upper respiratory tract: bronchospasm, wheezing, and shortness of breath, sometimes there is an bronchial asthma attacks.
  4. Ears: feeling of fullness, possibly pain, and decreased hearing due to swelling and increasing secretions.
  5. Skin: rash; urticaria and contact dermatitis. Typical places of localization when the food route of allergen penetration: elbow (symmetrical), stomach and groin.
  6. Head: sometimes the headache that occurs in some types of allergies.

Systemic allergic response is called an anaphylaxis. Depending on the level of severity, it can cause cutaneous reactions, bronchoconstriction, edema, lowering blood pressure, coma and even death.

hay fever and Rhus dermatitis— examples of common mild allergic reaction. hay fever, is an allergic disease of man, observed with heightened sensitivity to some types of pollen; it belongs to the group of hay fever (from the Latin. pollen — pollen) occurs in the period of flowering grasses and trees. Depending on the individual sensitivity to a particular type of pollen, and time of flowering of the corresponding plants distinguish between spring, summer and autumn hay fever; clinically they manifest irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, at least — in the form of attacks of hay asthma.

in the treatment of allergic reactions, apply a so-called antihistamines and glucocorticoids (hormones). These tools have their pros and significant cons.

an Alternative to allopathic remedies in the treatment of allergies are homeopathic remedies (founded two hundred years ago).

Most frequently used:

APIS (bee poison).



FIBER: SOCKETS; the FACE; the THROAT; OVARIES. SEROUS CAVITY. SKIN. KIDNEYS. BLADDER.Nervoussystem. Breath. Heart. Blood. Rightsidebody; peremescheniesimptomovzpravaNuevo.


FROM HEAT HEAT : IN a HOT ROOM; in hot weather; from a hot drink; from the fire; from heat of bed; from a hot bath (Op.).touch even of the hair.After sleep.16 hours.Pressure.From suppression of eruptions.


FROMCOOL: FROMCOOLAIR; by bathing in cold water; From uncovering. Lightly coughing [if you othersnot a small amount of sputum]. From movements.

Stingingburning tingling, stingingpain, as from hot needles. Have to lie down. Fastbeginningdisease. a SUDDEN SHRILL CRIES orpain forcingscream; nervousness, swelling, appearance of effusion, etc. INCREASEDSENSITIVITY; pain. Acute STINGINGburningorPAIN injury is brain, STOMACH ovarian, bladder, etc. SWELLINGred brilliant. Swelling: eyelids, or lips; red; SAC. STINGINGitching. Infection. Inflammation. Stiffness. Numbness.

Childish behavior. Irritable, excitable, a jealous, fussy, worrying over nothing or indifferent. Suspicious, distrustful to the point of absurdity. Nervous and clumsy, awkward, clumsy, or absent-minded; drops things. SUDDEN, SHRILL CRIES.

Headaches: dagger or as from a blow; mostly his head. SHAKES her HEAD. Headache from fatigue, numbness; better from pressure. Soreness of the hair. of Stale sweat on the head. Cheeks hanging down.

Eyeswollen; conjunctiva or eyelids like sacks of water. red; inflammatory swelling of the conjunctiva, chemosis. Perforated ulcer of the cornea. Abundant hot tears. Photophobia, photophobia; however can't stand when eyes anything is covered. Strabismus. Blindness; better after stool. Pupillary constriction, cramps.

Faceswollen or red, especially around the eyes; waxypallor. Otitis in scarlet fever. Red nose. Cold nose. Red mouth or tongue. Grindsteeth. Language: bubbleedge; swollen; Yes, it hurts; as if burnt; painful.

SIP is grainy, like glazed or translucent; better from cold food. Swelling of the uvula. Throat crimson. Fleshy, red tonsils. The right amygdala [affected]; better from cold drink. Angina. Diphtheria; before there is a loss of strength (Merc-su.); dirty film.

ADIPSIA NOTHIRST; but during the chills thirst appears. Ascites. Chair orange-yellow or similar to tomato sauce; no smell; worse from motion. Anus painful, swollen; it oozes blood, or it gapes (Phos.).

a Burning sensation when urinating. Dysuria. Scanty, fetid urine; sediment like coffee grounds. Jade.

the Numbness of ovary; tumor of right ovary; cystic. Amenorrhea at puberty.

Heavy frequent, puffingbreath; seems, cakBudokazdyegoWDOG- past. No air [hypoxia(?) - air hunger]. The larynx is involved.

Absence of thirst, and swelling.

straining during the bowel movement, belly tense, as if to burst.

Profuse urination, but only in moderation.

it's congestion of the ovaries, the suppression of menstruation.

Stitches in the heart, directed from the top of the back; the heart beat shakes whole body.

the Numbness of hands and feet. Palms hot. It seems that the nails left behind from your fingers - hang.

Skinred, pink; delicate; rough due to rash; spots like insect bites; pale. Large urticaria. Asthma due to hives. Erysipelas. Scarlet fever. The skin is hot, dry, alternating with drenching sweat.

SLEEPY but too nervous; when excited; and SCREAMS. Relieves the feet of the blanket.

Weak, rapid pulse. Chills: while waiting, because of the foreboding; with shortness of breath, hives, desire to unfold; alternates with heat; it is localized on the right side. BURNING HEAT; but freezes if you move; without thirst; 16 hours one part of the body - heat the other part of the body cold. Pouring sweat; on some parts of the body.

ANTAGONISTS [incompatible]. Rhust.

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