
Today I will tell you the easiest way constellation work  with Metaphoric Associative Cards

Often the person experiences feelings of seemingly nowhere to take.

for Example, in life all is well, and out of nowhere, causing anxiety, fear, or worse, a daily panic attack.

Sometimes the problem is not in man, and in his family system.

to Determine the roots of this problem and indicate the direction for further therapy will help the system disposition.

figure 1

the Most important to determine the exact request. Queries cannot be several. The working principle of one constellation  – a single request.

When requesting a placement for a few days before the start of work, after the client describe their problem, I ask him to fit the query in one sentence, finish the sentence: “as a result placement I would like…»

Sometimes the query is adjusted, usually to be taken to work. Still the balance will lead to the true goal.

To the person it was easier to navigate, I send him the system an interview with the individual questionnaire, drawn up specifically for the request.  answer Only after client starts on  the process of arrangement, which looks like this:

  1. From any story deck, uploaded to the online application with the client(face down) out of the map.
  2. Man calls the room and I put the cards (face down) on the screen.
  3. Laid improvised genogram (see figure 1), where to save space on the screen, the farther the generation is, the smaller the picture (see figure 2.)
  4. Then cards in turn opens therapist
  5. the Client interprets their projections caused by the drawings on the cards in the focus of your query (see figure 3)

Often at work I use my constellation methodology “Skeleton”.

Speakers listed here not directly but in the form of scenarios, which become obvious the roots of many of the current situations of the client.

figure 2

the Method of system constellations of Bert Hellinger has long gained popularity and took its rightful place as one of the areas of family systemic therapy.  It is undeniable the advantage of quick diagnosis, the reading problem in the family system

figure 3

P.S. From photos clients sent to me in advance, create the deck internal use and also fill in the online application.  is doing  in integration with constellation technologies will lead another time.

About the System parameters - simple and clear8-step algorithm the classical system of arrangementfamily and the structural system arrangement.the Placement of the figures in individual counseling Part-1the Placement of the figures in individual counseling. Part-2How the placement of the sand?

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