
If a person asks “How to live?” probably he had experienced severe and traumatic psyche shock – the loss of a loved one (or parting), his favorite works, the works associated with lot of hopes, betrayal, or any other event, “knocked the legs out from under the soil”. How to protect yourself in such situations and to recover from shocks and stress?

the first thing you need to refrain from any hasty and drastic action and "lay low". Quite often, people under emotional impact starting to take it out on others, trying to hurt them, or force themselves to suffer physically.

In a condition of strong shocks, you can make a lot of mistakes not only in his life. That's why you just need to afford to live (eat, sleep, communicate with family and friends, not to forget about personal hygiene) and soul to relax. The lack of proper care and adequate sleep can lead to more serious health problems, including depression.

When the pain starts to subside, there will be a question – how to live? The process of leaving the state shocks can be compared with the beginning of a new life, and at this stage it is important to believe in yourself and your capabilities, start to set goals, something to dream of.

you Can imagine your future (e.g., six months – depending on what stage of experiencing the event is located). If painful memories start to fade, it is a signal to move on – to dream, plan, set goals and move towards their implementation. At this stage it is important to perceive what is conceived as feasible and commensurate with its capabilities. People should understand that changes in life are, they are possible and will happen. Periodically will float up memories, this is quite normal, even nice or bad scraps of the experienced situation will be in the head – remember, cry, be sad or lying in bed from weakness.

it is Important to receive and give emotions, so be sure to find a companion with whom you can discuss all the experiences, to vent, to cry. Sometimes you need a person to talk on abstract themes, to “go” in the real world or just shut up.

the Next step – to learn to receive pleasure and delight from little things (e.g., tasty food – ice cream, fruits, meat). Eat and enjoy this – this is life. What else could cause positive emotions? Flowers, warm sunlight, pretty pictures on the Internet, an interesting movie, a walk in the Park, a pet.

Over time, you need to try something new, to find myself in art, to attend classes that will deliver pleasure and enjoyment. The most important thing – to never give up. Can survive, to cry, to feel sad, but never give up – life is not over and we need to move forward. To cope with such a life crisis, a person becomes stronger in the future to survive the shock will be easier.

What else can help? It is desirable to remember not only the event that caused the recent turmoil, but also previous crises in life, when something like this happens. Because of what resources were able to cope with stress? Who was there? How they overcame the previous crisis condition – you may do nothing and rested for several months, trying to escape, or, conversely, filled out all free time favorite activity? It is important to understand – if I survived (a) the previous shock, so can now.

Life is full of crises-small and large. They occur regularly, and people often are in crisis all my life, not knowing that it is possible to live differently. Fear of crisis is not worth it, they are like signal lights indicate that it's time for change, without which a full life. But what changes – this is a question for each of us personally, and we must answer it without the help and tips. The crisis suggests that it is time to stop, look back, carefully assess the present and redefine the future. The crisis – the push for further growth. To experience this as difficult, but quite real.

you can Watch my video on the topic of psychology and psychotherapy here 

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