
How young people cope with the lack of motivation to do anything and the unwillingness to do anything?

You are in a situation when you have graduated from UNIVERSITY or still studying, but your profession and prospects you absolutely not encouraging. You ceased to be interested in what you have carried away. You rarely see friends, and spend more time on social networks. Environment does not understand you and you they try to distract you, but you close even more. Sometimes you yourself understand what is going on something you're trying to do something but your attempts only for a short time trigger, and then everything comes back. And that you have to live every day. But the strength and desire to change something each time does not increase and even decreases. Being in society, you feel total isolation and pressure from society. But the important things are trying to postpone and postpone as far as possible.

I understand you well, I know that. I myself passed through it. Studying psychology and placement, I began to understand more the reasons of my condition and gradually coped with it and began to help others do the same.

This problem is literally swept all the young generation and not only in our country. Actually the problem is serious and her decision to return to the interest in life, to get rid of inner loneliness and constant procrastination must be approached comprehensively. To be honest, not a simple task, but doable. Let's start to solve this problem, the first simple step: take a sheet of paper or a Notepad and observe yourself during the day, write your thoughts about your state of loneliness, lack of prospects and, as a consequence, motivation, feelings of misunderstanding and pressure, as well as other thoughts about the state. Much easier to get rid of it, when the thoughts that revolve in my head, will be submitted on paper.

How to get rid of this condition how to stop worrying about how to change the situation.

I have prepared for you a series of articles on this subject that I will post here on his page Б17 in the publications section.

Fedor Erokhin
Портал «Клуб Здорового Сознания»
2015 - 2024

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