
"Now, if my child hit – all clear who is wrong." - this is the starting point for all our versions and arguments. So what we want from our children? What are the goals of education set?

Modern parents often want the child well to be successful and happy at almost any cost. Here ensure that "the main my was to my was......". But something changes when the child falls into the group of peers? Will he be there to look for friends or enemies and attack depends largely on us adults.

We forgot that the main goal of education was always to grow a decent willing to share any fate with their loved ones, their Homeland. Taught to respect those parents who have to be faithful and reliable friend. Taught, above all, to love and to distinguish enemies from other people. Who is this enemy, and is there any sense in adults today? The consequence of the 90-ies in the fact that social norms have changed aggressive attitudes that are passed in children's educational institutions.

If from this position the view, then it may be easier to discern where it is necessary to use force, and where not? Maybe, and instruction for the preschooler to change his theme. It would be good to us for adults understand to begin with, "what is good and what is bad" and not to ascribe to the child adults submission of a "bad" person based on their resentment, fear, etc.

In the folk tradition up to 6 years the child was considered innocent and it is right. He is still too small, its physiological characteristics limit its ability in the regulation of behavior, and conceptions of the world, about good and evil are just beginning to emerge. It's only child is a preschooler, so want to see him as a criminal and to prepare her son to fight? And with whom(!?) – any and on real situations with all... That is often the kid with the installation of a "give back" one against all.

school age children quickly forget the insults and forgive each other everything. They tend to be friends and play together. Toddlers are just starting to choose my friends appear sympathy, social selectivity. If we make them unsafe social environment, filled with potential friends and potential enemies, then put the child in a difficult position. In this case, the number increased fears, anxiety becomes haunting. And deal with this will have your child and perhaps a lifetime.

Therefore we all for adults we must think very carefully before you give a child a battle with the unknown (and often non-existent) enemies. Maybe we want: "Bey, son!", and the enemies........, enemies will appear?

And how to be with someone who beats and takes all the toys? – for this case, is in the kindergarten teachers and the psychologist.

Allows to give an example from the comments in the last article about this:

" they are in the garden there is a boy from a dysfunctional family, who all lifts and beats. On appeal to adults other parents about protecting their children - the Teacher said he did not have time to watch all of them. The parents replied that they have no time and they can't handle him. The boy's parents said offended. Useless. How to be in this situation? What should parents do to protect a child? know, not always a parent around. And the child will go into adulthood. And it happens to be different. Question - what to do to defend against an aggressor? If the aggressor is not to fight back, whether it will lead to impunity and permissiveness beating?"

my answer:

"Parents do not have the right to communicate with a minor without the consent of the legal representatives of the child (of his parents). Moreover with a preschooler... These conversations can only confirm it (aggressive child) fantasy that the whole world is against him.And it will only worsen the situation for all participants. For conversations with children in the preschool there are specialists.

For everything that happens in the DOE responsible Manager. The parents of affected children write a statement, but to each his own. And the head needs to assess the situation: is there sufficient qualification of the teacher (the reshuffle), the issue explores a psychologist and gives advice to the parents of the offender and the caregiver. Psychologist to help an aggressive child, and relationship-building among children in this situation.

In the extreme case, a dysfunctional family can be put on record and then with the parents of their responsibility will be to talk not only employees of the DOE, but the inspector on Affairs of minors and DCFS. Then the parents to their duties and the recommendations of the psychologist and educators will be treated differently. Usually this is enough and the situation is changing.

If the aggressive child's intellectual or profound mental impairment, it can be transferred to a special unit at the psychosocial centre or in other conditions inclusive approach. Where the child does not receive the necessary assistance and special conditions for development. To do this, in each city and work pmpk (special Commission)".

to be Continued.

Plotnikova Olga