
In the process of growing, coma all, a person chooses the personal style of life, which may be capable, based on their purposes, tasks, value orientations, interests and activities. Over time, a lifestyle, as a way to live, become unique, peculiar only to this person, which integrates its adaptive quality, expressed in lifestyle, too, in your relationship with yourself, people and the environment.

lifestyle each person generates and uses in its own way. But it is not the personal organization, which can impact the birth in a particular family, health, upbringing, education, interactions and relationships with other people, love or a necessary professional activity, creativity, Hobbies, special talents, and achievements in society.

lifestyle, it is not only the overall image and the way to present themselves to others at some point in time. It is also something special, original behavior, which significantly distinguishes it from others. Will give a few sketches:

Expression yourself in the present moment physically and spiritually in the pursuit of big and small goals in everyday life, everyday life, or significant ceremonial moments.

Ability to cope with personal psychological and emotional problems arising here and now and in the future, and in interaction with other people.

Reaction on the problems and achievements of those close to it.

- the presence of the original personal creative power, painted in the pleasure to develop, to learn, to reach the set objectives in accordance with its capabilities and respect.

Show or demonstrate a person's lifestyle, whatever it may be, is not something isolated from his personality traits and behavior. Style every life there is a quite evident component of the Whole Person. The lifestyle of any individual can contribute to the strengthening of relations between people, and may lead to their destruction.

Starostina Lyudmila