
I, as an expert, work. in different areas of psychotherapy and sexology. I must say that the sexual themes are usually concerned with and interested in both women and men.

And this is understandable - the theme of the fun for us has always been and remains important. And as they say: "I want to enjoy life to the fullest".

But sometimes it is not. And then there are different kinds of sexual problems in female version of anorgasmia, vaginismus, pain during sex, and many sexual blocks and clamps. With all that we, sexologists, psychotherapists and family counselors constantly encounter in their psychotherapeutic work.

I Must say that women, especially young, under 25 years is quite clearly shown by the problem of anorgasmia when does not want sex, although it seems that everything around is great and love is, and the partner is sexually attractive, loving, gentle and affectionate.

In this case, of course, you can sit and wait when it will come to you: something suddenly happens and the girl will reveal the sex will be to have fun and to experience orgasm but I would recommend to women, after all, to do the work on themselves and their sexuality, because that lady can be permanently stuck in this state waiting for the orgasm. And not the fact that the man will be there for her always.

Here too there are certain kinds of techniques that allow a woman to be more orgasmic that I will introduce you to the launch webinar and subsequent on my webinars and trainings on sexual topics, and the subject of orgasm.

It is the practice of sexology, and other fields. So, if you're interested, you can now ask any questions, for example, to write to me in PM, or better come to my free webinars on the topic of female sexuality and orgasm that I spend monthly, where we will discuss at length on this topic in the aspect men how to become more attractive in terms of sex.

there are also several chips and secrets.

I can only Say that there is something that we often don't consider and believe that the man thinks the same way as a woman, this is often not true, because there is a big difference in male and female psychology.

Hence, resentment, misunderstanding, etc. All this is well known to us, the sexologists. therapists and family psychologists.

And the topic also will be an important aspect of our therapeutic work on the main webinar is an expanded version, because it is necessary to know that vain not to waste your energy and do not cheat yourself, do not provoke quarrels with your sexual partner.

This information will be useful to those who, as they say: deeply married, because sex has a tendency to "go off" after two or three years and sometimes sooner.

But secrets are many, if you are looking for something specific, you can always ask questions on my free webinar on the topic of orgasm, both personal and together with his sexual partner.

the schedule of my free webinars you can see on the website, "b-17" in the section "Webinars".

prior To the meeting. I will be glad to our acquaintance. Hope that will help you to understand, to understand and to change your personal situation.

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Lily Afanasyev
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