
In Sanskrit mandala is a circle, disk, wheel, sphere, globe, country, territory, society, and other things that can be described by these values. Mandala appeared in Tibet in the religious tradition of the Bonpos, and only after some time, the mandala was adopted by the Buddhists. In Buddhism mandala is the concept of the Buddhist world, the sphere of living deities, the Universe, and several ritual images of the characters. Manado - round - as can be seen in every religion of the modern world, for example, in Europe, in the temples of the circle can be seen in the stained glass Windows in Russia under the arches of the temple of the head of the angels is often as form a circle. All mandalas have outer, inner, and secret meaning. On the outer level they represent the world in divine form; on the inner level they represent a map by which the ordinary human mind is transformed into awakened consciousness; and on the secret level, they show the primordially perfect balance of the subtle energies of the body and subtle levels of consciousness. Creating a mandala out of sand, as you see, produces a cleaning and healing effect on all three levels.
If we are talking about personal mandala, it also has internal and external parts, conscious and unconscious. Mandala can be used as a method of diagnosis, and resource psychotherapy. Personal mandala, in contrast to ritual, has clearly memorized forms is a manifestation of your inner world, your feelings at this period, here and now. If the ritual mandala has a clear symmetry, the monks are acutely aware of every action for which they poured some form, the client is subject to only their hands, their desires. Often clients can be difficult to begin to create a mandala, as active consciousness, which asks many questions, criteria. However, after a few minutes, the person is immersed in yourself, in your inner world and begins to create. During the process, it is necessary to pay attention to where the center is located symmetrical mandala or not, falls asleep, is "hiding" something, the customer, the thickness of the border of the mandala. This is the main criteria, however there are also patterns you can identify in a personal mandala (this issue is well-lit at Kopytin A. I.).

If we consider the mandala as a resource technique, the pattern must be perceived as already informed, understood both a client and a psychologist. A mandala can be compared with the diary, the only difference is in the fact that the blog we are some time, linear measurement, time, experience, events, and mandala reflects the whole experience in the here and now, in a single clam. During the creation of manadaly, and on its completion, the client may have strong emotional outbursts. It can be both pleasure and sadness, as appeasement, and anxiety. Many customers at the end of the creation of the mandala do not want to part with it, in this case, a mandala photograph and a photo to give to the client because a mandala out of sand, it is impossible to take with you. For him, the mandala will be a resource for a certain time.

it is Recommended to conduct a series of mandalas, as it most fully reflects the dynamics of the human condition.

from my experience I can say that those clients who at least once has created a mandala from sand, later repeatedly returned to this technique, both independently and in the process of therapy, izjavlja huge desire to create today's mandala.

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