There are several variants of correlation of these concepts in the minds of different people. Before writing this article, I slightly skimmed through the publications of their colleagues on this topic. In General, I can say that psychologists going on in the minds same as that of nasarov.

1st option. Morality and ethics are synonyms of one and the same. The source of this judgment is translated from Latin into Russian: a mos - disposition mores - mores, moralis - moral. By and large, a correct judgment. But how right? Why is the Latin equivalent of the Russian morality migrated to the Russian language in the form of the Russian word "morality" and began to be used along with it in the adjective "moral"? Is it because people intuitively Suss out the difference between synonyms? The same situation is observed in other languages. For example, in the German language, spoken and thought in Kant and Hegel.

"Morals and ethics, which is usually considered equal to their value, here taken in essentially different meanings. It seems, however, that the view also holds a distinction between them; Kant uses in his discourse primarily an expression of morality, and practical principles of this philosophy entirely limited to this concept and even make it impossible to view morality, moreover, absolutely destroy and disturb her. But even if morality and ethics are etymologically equivalent, it would not hurt to use these different words to denote different concepts." (G. W. F. Hegel. The philosophy of law. Publishing House "Mysl". Moscow. 1990. p. 94.)

version 2. Morals and morality are different. This view was voiced by Hegel. Because he thought dialectically, and didn't mean to make a distinction between morality and ethics to their complete separation. Still was a clever man, a genius.

3rd option. This option is expressed precisely in the spirit of complete rupture between morality and ethics. Morality is good and morality is bad. FIE on morality, and many times ugh! We are the moral people, we ENT morality to anything. Basically so I think returnees in the Vedic culture and Vedic psychology. The words and scientific concepts they are looking solely through the prism of RA, the sun God or the sun itself, radiant and all-illuminating. They write morality as the morality. For me it remains a mystery why they consider the morality as a pestilence, but at the same time write: morality? Is that another sun? Perhaps the fact that all nafig will kill, if we under it in the sun. So it is with the first sun can happen if you do not observe caution in this process.

an Interesting combination of Vedism and ContentsThe one Moscow psychologist expressed in the absurd claim: "Morality is immoral. And what is moral and not moral". In this case, following the categorical imperative of Kant, it is also imperative asserted that he only is right and opponents are in some kind of parallel worlds in relation to its the only real world. And argue he never will, because it is so right. That is, samarbejde what is right, and let others go on a long erotic journey to parallel worlds. In this he has contributed to numerous census and enthusiastic comments mentally retarded non-self thinking and just mentally lazy people who only give mandatory categorically proclaimed the slogan, and they run after him like mad. As a result, the psychologist zazvezdilsya. Naturally became the sun, our all. And attributed to his name the word RA. (Let me break off a little bit of Moscow money for this advertising.)

4th option. And morality and ethics are beastly. Well, just strastnoe such BAKIDA! But our desires and needs, it's good and class! This apofioz overly bloated from Samooborona rational thinking, I met one Ukrainian psichologine. I will not describe what slop it was poured on morality and ethics. But the impression of them really became so terribly gloomy that I myself began to fear these things. I don't think so I think all Ukrainian psychologists. But if so thinks the majority of Ukrainians, it is clear that they have what they have now.

the 5th option. It is home to lovers to equate morality and ethics, which, however, lacks something. And they are as attracted to this missing ethic. Write: morality and ethics. But ethics is the science of morality. And she has always been studied by philosophers and, along with aesthetics - the science of the beautiful. In Ancient Greece there was even such a thing: kalokagathia - beauty and kindness, beauty and good. It is also translated as generosity and moral beauty, integrity and harmony of the soul. And where the combination of "morals and ethics" a hint of the beauty, the aesthetics? Besides, it sounds tautological, as the oil oil. The subject of science, his studies. Can ethics be the same motivating factor as morality? Man in his actions is directed by morality and ethics acquired in the course of their socialization, not science about the social phenomena of the subconscious and samopoznanie.

6th option. Actually, it is the development of Hegel's ideas about identity and the difference of morality and ethics. Kant, of course, also was a great genius, and Hegel. But Kant was thinking primarily of the rational, all divided and classified. Why was such a strict and categorical. Hegel also thought for the most part reasonable, i.e. dialectically. But his dialectic is so immersed in reflection, i.e. in their mileurista that was for us unclear. Understandable, of course, Kant. So it sucked Vedic sorcerers. I wonder what would happen if they stuck to Hegel?

If you take together and at the same time, separately Kant and Hegel, not people mix Vedism, then we get the following picture. Imagine a forked tree growing from the same root, from one common trunk. And crown of individual tree trunks, their branches are intertwined. It turns out some semblance of a heart.

It's symbolic. Especially when you consider that the root of the tree is love. Love is the most essential in our relationship, the core of the emotional sphere. Why we love someone? Because fall in love. How does it happen? Something like this: we see (hear, smell, feel) and we like it. And the more we communicate with him, the more we like it. to Please - so come to heart, like, taste like. Love is the peak experience of his relationship to a particular person, and not only to man, but in General everything what we become supportive. To any matter, to any occupation, to any place, time, country, to life, to knowledge, to himself, to friendship (friendship).

Love it divides into the aesthetic taste and liking. Aesthetic (artistic) taste - touch side of love, temper - motor side. These three concepts are related as truth, beauty and goodness.

Love - Taste - Disposition
Truth - Beauty - Goodness

Temper, of course, is cool (evil), but when its source is a hatred (malice). If its source is love, the disposition - kind, gentle (Dobronravov).

Beauty is more of a characteristic of the external side of something, the shape of the body. Kindness is more of a feature inside, content that moves the entire body in the good side, the good deed. They can be defined dialectically, reflective, as transitions from the external to the internal, from the form to content and back. Goodness is internal beauty, and beauty is expressed in the outer form of kindness. Plus all sorts of distortions of relations between the concepts in the triad, which described the Soviet philosopher E. V. Ilyenkov. Beautiful evil is not true. Fake (false) kindness, there is no beauty. Hatred and anger distorts facial features. Love and kindness ennoble the face, making his beautiful face. The last phrase - it is not about perversion, and on the norm.

So (can already hear the voices screaming: "in Short, Sofiyevskiy!"), common to two separate branches (of morality) barrel is discipline - the social order to which people in the course learn socialization through training and education. After all, disciplina translated from Latin into Russian means training and education. People, interacting, trying to organize, to organize their interaction, because without it, their communication turns to chaos and mess. (Mess is a lunatic asylum in London.) And experience such streamlining adults pass on to their children through training and education.

on the one hand this experience is saved folk podsosonnyi - morality, and on the other hand, it played each person as morality. Morality is external side of public order in any team (family, school, employment) or any social layer, the class, in a particular country, in a planetary humanity. It is, as we have seen, are diverse and depend on time, i.e. the cultural-historical era in which people live. In it, as outside of social order, aesthetic taste plays a big role, embodied in the etiquette adopted by a specific community. Morality - that the personality develops from the moral teachings and lessons of social life. Develops and practically uses in his personal life. This internal, moral principles, programs in personal social behavior. Or traits of a person. How they will be ethical (Pro-social) depends on self-organization, self-education and self-discipline.

okay, okay, shut up. At the moment. More details in the following article.

the Root of Vladimir
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