
Our life is very dynamic and often we are surrounded by music. There is a rhythm in the crowd, crossing a busy street or at a yoga class through the Sun Salutation, the noise of cars, or the delicate bird song. We hear music in stores, in subways and in standby mode on the phone. The question is, how can we intentionally use music for mental health?

it All starts with observations. Notice is a key aspect of the care , without which even the most beautiful music or exercise with good intentions, most likely, will fly by your ears.

1. Pay attention to your own rhythms and the rhythms around you.

Remember, we as humans, consist of rhythmic patterns - the way we walk, talk, move and breathe is all the rhythms. Note that, when the rhythms of your body felt Intrusive and tense or relaxed and light. Please note where you are, what you do and who you are. Such a simple act as to notice, to see , can give valuable information.

2. The development of personalized playlists.

it May be useful to have several different playlists at the ready. Think about when you need music for a day maybe, to relax, to recharge your energy or focus (or something else). Play around with different styles and rates and locate what suits you. If you create a playlist that will help you relax or energize, you can start with a melody, which is the opposite, and make your way to the desired mood (i.e. playlist for relaxation can begin with a fairly quick tempo, move through the average rate and come to a slow, soothing part). Please note that songs and instrumental pieces affect you in different ways. I don't believe in using certain pieces of music / genres for mental health, different styles work for different people. All individually.

3. Take a minute to land and breathe.

Here's a simple exercise I often use with my clients:

Hold on a moment, wherever you may be. Whether you are sitting or standing, moving or still - just take a minute to come to the standstill.

Now notice the top of the head and lower legs. Realize how much space between them - space for breathing, space for energy space for movement.

Wait a minute and take a few slow breaths. Notice the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation. Imagine that you can breathe in what you need / what you want and exhale what you don't need something from which you would like to get rid of. For example, you inhale peace, or light and exhale any tension or fatigue.

so, music is a powerful tool for improvement. Don't miss the opportunity to use it. In closing, I want to share with You another of his meditation: