
Below are the most frequently asked questions about music therapy (hereafter MT) and the answers to them.

I don't know how to play musical instruments. I would not do MT?
the Ability to play, the presence of the ear and the voice is absolutely not important things in the process of MT. After all, it's not an exam to the Conservatory, and therapy. The sound created by the client (group), there is a "bridge" between the conscious and the unconscious/symbolic language. And nothing more. I will say more - professional musicians, often very poorly adapted to the MT sessions. All because they have in mind certain "patterns" of music that is ruining the spontaneity.

We will only play music?
No. The discussion played. Discussion, sharing, feedback - are part of MT. br>
I'm embarrassed/uncomfortable because I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow.
Yes, at the initial stage of discomfort possible. But to overcome it there are many techniques to "warm up" to chase all your fears and doubts away.

Why the Universities do not tell you about it? Where to get training? Where to find a music therapist?
MT is a relatively young area of psychotherapy. And to our country, meanwhile, came a wave of MT. Where to get training? Abroad. In Russia yet there are a few short courses at MT. A huge contribution to the promotion of MT in Russia makes Alice Aprelev and members of the project masterpet dot ru. br>
What music therapy is better than psychoanalysis/Gestalt/art therapy?
Nothing. No better and no worse. This is just one form of psychotherapy, where the working tool is music.

Can music therapy improve the skills of playing the instrument/vocal skills?
Yes And no. Musical development is not the purpose of MT, but in the course of working with a music therapist, the client develops their spontaneity, improv skills, becomes more confident. All this indirectly can affect musical skills. br>
Why should I go to the music therapist?
I do Not know. Some people like this method, some don't. Better similar questions to ask yourself.

will Help me to music therapy?
All depends on the motivation of the client and the contact between the client and the specialist. In General the answer to this question is the same answer to the question "will it help me psychotherapy".

If you, dear readers, have any other questions about MT, please write in comments. Will be an expanded list =)

Roman Aleksandrovich