
Psychoanalysis is a psychotherapeutic method outdoor Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud in the late nineteenth century. It is based on the assumption that thoughts, feelings and actions of the person in charge of the unconscious processes in the psyche. The debate about the scientific character of the method is still going, because its phenomena cannot be verified experimentally. But the best proof of the effectiveness of psychoanalysis is that a lot of people it helped to change their lives for the better.

Psychoanalysis secretes in the human psyche three structures: superego, consisting of parental demands and requirements, the norms of society and morality; IT is filled with drives and instincts, which were found unacceptable and eliminated from consciousness, but has not lost its force and trying to meet; I, which contact with reality and trying to reach a compromise between desires and prohibitions, IT is the superego. the Conflict between these structures causes psychological suffering and reduces quality of life. The problem is that the origins of this conflict lie in the sphere of the unconscious and the man himself can not understand what was happening to him.

Psychoanalysis identifies the important role of protective mechanisms of the psyche, which for the most part is also not understood. Their task is to make human life better, to save him from troubles and turmoil. But in some cases they do not work properly. This leads to psychological problems and neurotic symptoms.

of Great importance in psychoanalysis is given early object relations person. Usually it's relationships with parents or other adults caring for the child. In them formed patterns and behaviors that people will use in adult life. The child is not critically takes the point of view of parents and it becomes part of the superego. If the requirements were too hard or confusing, then formed the too rigid structure of the superego. Then man is doomed to suffering, doubt, and uncertainty that he's good enough for this life.

the Task of psychoanalysis is to unravel these early experiences to alleviate psychological suffering and allow the person to live a full life.

Earlier psychoanalysis involves the adherence to rather strict rules, such as the high frequency of sessions (at least 5 a week), use of day beds, a complete study of the psyche. This involved a large time and monetary expenses and make it only available to very wealthy people.

currently, along with classical psychoanalysis applied psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She also works with the unconscious. But aimed at solving urgent problems of life and improving psychological status of the individual, not the study of the psyche. This can significantly reduce the frequency of sessions (1-2 per week) to reduce expenditures and to find a convenient time for visits to a psychologist in your schedule. The couch in psychoanalytic psychotherapy generally not used, sessions are conducted face to face.

the Main advantage of the method is psychoanalytical in its depth. Psychotherapeutic influence aimed at the source of the problem, rather than its superficial symptoms. This removes not only the symptom but also the cause of its appearance. This ensures the stability of the achieved result. It is highly unlikely that even after many years after completion of therapy the person will return to the old ineffective patterns of thinking and behavior.


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the Psychologist, Irina Nycnative

Nycnative Irina