
Any of the people alive today have ever faced crises in their lives. Each of those who reads now this article, have already experienced the hard way this is not the most pleasant living situation.

Crises bring us a state of depression, constant stress, reaching, sometimes, to despair. Often we can't understand what's happening to us, why suddenly life ceases to delight us as before, why all of a sudden changed and we no longer feel the taste of life, not knowing what to do with it.

But do not despair – out of the crisis not only exists, but accessible to everyone. The yield this may be for each of us a new jump, quality life-changing in a new direction.

This article, part of a series of articles about overcoming the crises of life, written for those people who want to learn how to get out of the crisis with the least losses for yourself and the greatest gain for their future.

Any life crisis, big or small, is not that other, as a period of qualitative change. When something needs to change in your life (whether because of grow older or because of a change in relationships with others, with himself), this is something definitely should change. This "something" - first of all, attitude, attitude, attitude.

Such transitions between the past and the future meet in our lives constantly. Very often we such periods almost don't notice they are "themselves", not even zapechatlelas in our memory. We can say that these crises we overcome easily, without any difficulties and losses.

But there are crises in which we are literally "stuck" in that delve to the very top, unable to get out of them. These crises are the most painful. The reasons for such "difficulty" can be a lot of the reluctance to change, fear of change, the presence of the so-called "secondary gain".

in Fact, all crises can be divided into "large" and "small" according to their importance in our lives. "Big" crises are the crises emerging over the years. These include age crises (including the crisis 30 years, midlife crisis, teenage crisis) that appear in connection with the necessity of revising the whole of their lives, their goals, aspirations, desires, attitudes toward life in General; the crises of family life (3 years, 7 years, etc.), manifested in changing relations with his partner because of the mutual changes of two people in the course of their lives.

"Small" crises are crises that occur rather spontaneously, as a reaction to the suddenly changed life situation is the loss of a loved one, and crises resulting from permanent stress effects (problems with supervisors at work, for example).

"small" crises, emotional intensity is often much higher than when crises are "big", although the length of "small" crises often much less.

it would Seem that crises in our lives are strictly negative role, but nevertheless, crises help us change, make us alive, helping to develop, to live.

it just So happens that we develop and grow in their lives, due to the crisis. But often we don't always know how to overcome those moments of crisis.

Can the crises of life to harm us? Of course, ultimately from the crisis of life harm are almost there, if they are well overcome. But what happens if the crisis does not want to overcome, if we get stuck in it?

Any "bridging" leads to stagnation. We cease to grow, change, become like frozen in this life. Life ceases to bring us joy, it becomes literally gray in it disappear bright colors, vivid sounds, flavors, smells. Life becomes a kind of flour, filled with despair and suffering.

Every crisis is accompanied by stress. And any stress is used to accumulate that carries with it very negative consequences.

From any stress, there are three choices: fighting, escape, passive position.

the best stress relief is to counter – because it carries the least negative consequences. So, the ancient people were engaged in a battle with the enemy, if he attacked him, and when defeated, then changed, becoming a winner, stronger, more confident, their abilities.

But in our time, enemies become more, and to fight them harder. The society itself is arranged so that it is often a struggle with the enemy impossible. You can't punch in the work of the chief if he yells at you, annoying you. You don't fight the media, you can't beat the neighbors who do not give at night to sleep. Although you can certainly try – but then the fight would have been with law enforcement – and the consequences of this struggle are already much more serious.

so we see that the direct counteraction to the stress (and the enemy, which it creates) in our time is very problematic.

Another type of protection, an escape, most common in our time. We're just running away from stress, often very inadequately. You can escape into addiction (alcohol, drugs), it is possible to run a religion, you can run away to another city, another country. But often it is impossible to escape from himself. People from just running away, running away, finally, from reality, from the world, even from life – and earns a neurosis, or even psychosis, getting, eventually, a psychiatrist or commits suicide. I have described, of course, the most negative scenario of the flight, but this does not mean that it is not so relevant.

the Third option of protection from stress (if it can be called protection) is passivity. Stress simply passively accepted by the man "eaten." This option is probably the worst. At the man shouting, he is beaten – he doesn't attack in response, but doesn't go away, and passively accepts everything. In the end the person is sick, because the stress begins to destroy it from within, causing in the body the development of psychosomatic diseases. Currently, scientists referred to the psychosomatic diseases, more and more diseases. Such diseases are based on purely biological mechanisms, but psychological.

Stress with the development of society is increasing, and therefore becoming more and more of the consequences of their impact on people.

fortunately, the effects of stress can be overcome. As well as the crises that are the quintessence of a certain stress, a complex consisting of a stress.

the next articles in this series I will talk in detail about the ways and strategies of overcoming the crises of life. Don't miss out!

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