
Block, psychological block in the body, the word "block", that is, some emotion was not spent, retained and locked in the end. What if the word "block" to consider and, in another sense - "building block". Imagine that due to some sort of trauma events You have the body formed such that a heavy element of the building structure. Is there a full energy? Is he a full-fledged respiratory act or the blocks here and there doing the breathing is irregular and shallow, with the result that the brain is supplied with oxygen scarce and all systems and organs are not working at full, instead of ease there is heaviness. And internal chronic the severity gradually developed into external. That is, the presence of psychological blocks is one of the main reasons for excess weight.

Border. A little bit about them. Our psychological boundaries are the boundaries of our body from the outside. And if we have not worked out their strategies to protect their boundaries, they will constantly break. And because unstable borders to say a firm "no", "you can't do this" etc. because of fear not to be good, shame or guilt is problematic, the discomfort of penetration into the territory of space, your feelings and/or interests are often seized. And if their boundaries do nothing, gradually the body builds up its border, as if protecting us with kilograms and centimeters.

Toxic feelings and difficult emotions transferred. When they are included in us on high, we are often afraid of losing control plus to experience all that hurt, too, do not know where it will lead, if those emotions "carousing" - as a result of worry, and worry from all this leave - seize. Yes, indeed, without a sufficient degree of awareness and/ or unaccompanied psychologist/ psychotherapist self "to go" fears and emotions are unsafe, but professional to this approach, the fears and toxic emotions gradually, or sometimes just leave, and accordingly, need to eat disappears.

In psychology there is a rich list of effective eco-friendly techniques and methods to release from the blocks, for the accommodation of feelings and building their own sustainable limits, so what if you look at the extra pounds with this point of view?

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