
Death and psychotherapy – it would seem that there can be shared. But today I will try to prove that these phenomena are related to each other almost inseparable.

Inquiries about death

Sometimes customers come with the original queries related to the topic of death. The most common cause of such treatment is the loss or serious illness of a loved one. Here is the work associated with acceptance of the situation or living with grief. Another option – residence by the individual situation involving a threat to life. In this case, is acting out those feelings that accompanied the situation.

But there is another context of the meeting with this theme in psychotherapy. When seemingly nothing happened and is not happening, and the theme of death repeatedly POPs up.

Death – this is not what ends our earthly existence, and it happens once. Death is present in our daily lives in every moment of time.

Since this is our first time in childhood are faced with an awareness of their limb (how it happened to You? in 5 years? 8? 10?), she is with us constantly. Each of us is building its relations with it. Most often they of course relate to fear. But there are other options.

Let's see how this is reflected in psychotherapeutic work.


Often work with a variety of fears leads us ultimately to death. What we can frighten an event? What's the worst that could happen? Death. At the bottom of each well of fear inevitably reveals the fear of death. Therefore, the most productive way to work with fears – is the formation and establishment of relations with the fact of his own mortality.

Awareness of smertnosti – energy changes.

paradoxically, but actually the awareness of mortality makes us more appreciative of my life. How long have you lived? How much do you have left? And with each passing day there is less and less! How you live your life? Are you satisfied with how it lived? Do the time you have to spend and not to try anything more? If “no”, the best time to change is now!

Childhood trauma.

Often we leave the topic of death when working with the healing of early childhood traumas. We were all brought up   people, too, have their own relationship with death. And from your painful experience, few of them knew how to make acquaintance with death is less traumatic for the baby (and to do it so can you!). Child not afraid of death, and the adult reaction to what is happening. Looking back on his childhood traumas, clients talk a lot about the children's experience of the funeral and Wake. Sometimes about death in their presence.

don't be afraid of talking about death in psychotherapy. All psychotherapy – about our relationship with death (the main therapist to find trained)


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