
the consultation asked Elizabeth, 57, married, working, retired. the
deck Used: Alter Ego, Emotions, Habitat, She said.
All the cards at the request of the client was chosen in an open way. br>
Request: "still got it. Still got it." br>
Began to understand who and what brought her to this state. We have displayed symbolically true (deck's Alter Ego):

Here Elizabeth saw a tortured, haggard-absorbed woman (myself). the
history: unpredictable schedule changes. On the feet, usually from 5 am until almost midnight. Relax does not work, even on weekends. Accordingly, in itself neither the time nor the energy. In this "marathon" is a client already third year. To leave work too, because the retirement age other places can not find, while looking for for a long time.

At the same time in question, and as I would like to have the client clearly said that it should be a kind of "composition" of the femme fatale, businesswoman and matron, cosy and caring for family and home (also the deck's Alter Ego):

note: calling these three cards composition, the client explained that by changing yourself, you're not "raping", and to be creative. Because the term of the art.

Next, we Elizabeth moved to the analysis of what led to her current state, and what actions it should take in order to change something.

the first group of cards we've added five images of Emotions:

Comments Elizabeth to each of them:
I care about all... husband, kids, pet... They're all over me like a wall. I just lost myself, even have not seen the face.
- at no time to be alone. Bound to be someone to stand over me. No matter at home or at work.
- it's time to stop and rest. Only it should be a mutual decision with her husband, and that I do not understand, after all...
- All around and the only "blame". Don't have time at work to earn. house something is not cleaned or is not prepared - "what were you doing?". And so constantly.
- it would Seem that the way it should be. Only I can't look for myself. Then you need to see someone helped and supported.

in Other words, as we can see, Elizabeth has driven itself into a dead end. It seems right to give yourself a break, at the same time, there are plenty of things and people that will suffer.

But the other way, he's still there. On the contrary - here it is, a desirable and very real and achievable (the second group added five cards of the Habitat):

Comments Elizabeth:
- you Have to stop yourself "to gnaw", or all at one time will crash and give the head... (Approx.: under the "all" means health, work and relations).
- in General it is necessary very carefully with them. Here's how this turtle. She's not breaking on the track, and slowly and cautiously crawls. I have now with care. Otherwise crushing can... (Approx.: it was mostly about work).
Together we have to do. Husband something together to come up with. And so he was there for me when I need help or advice! (Approx.: how to convey to her husband the necessity of this, the client took as homework).
- I often have to look inside yourself and listen to yourself. So I understand if something will be "wrong" (health).
- Find a hobby that would be more profitable, I would then went to work!

In the last step we connected the Model (positive psychotherapy) and its four areas (from top left clockwise)

For the client it was at the same time, the resource zone and the area of expansion goals:

I - Elizabeth planned to give yourself at least 15 minutes each day on weekdays and at the weekend - 60 minutes. No matter what it will spend them - pointing "Marafet", relaxation, a hobby... the Main thing - now we are going to achieve regularity and receive from this pleasure, without guilt and anger at himself.

You - search for like-minded people with whom you could start a new business.

We - spending time with my husband just doing nothing around the house. To communicate, to discuss, to negotiate, to compromise, etc.

Pray - Quote: "if we Gather the whole family together, and as has happened before - to pull the plug on the sea!"

Instead of a summary: after the session, Elizabeth said that in General she understood why it is what it is, and what she needs to do. But the move to radical changes scare her, because "age is not the same". That's why she wanted to choose the cards to test yourself. As it turned out - "maps don't lie." Result of our with her work - proof.

how to use MAC in combination with Positive psychotherapy I write in my book. The release is planned for winter 2018.
at the end of August will be released my author's Metaphorical deck of cards, "Give paw, friend!" devoted to emotions and work with them.
Stay tuned! :)


Tel.: +7 964 779 97 50/ +7 960 436 31 06< br>Skype: v-timofeeva

Viktoriya Timofeeva