
we've All heard about this reform, currently the implications of this reform are not discussed just lazy, but mostly these discussions affect mostly the economic aspect, I propose to think about the psychological implications.

I think this reform in psychological terms, may adversely affect the condition of the people. The first stage, which society is happening now can be called step living such emotions as fear for their fate, anger at the government, which raises the age and condemns many people to a very vague and unclear prospects, and anger, addressed to the officials who promoted this law. the Second stage can be described as the adoption of this step. However, this humility is more likely to wear external nature, people will internally be angry and frustrated, but to continue to visit jobs and to show internal discontent at lunchtime or on breaks. In the third phase of our citizens, getting closer to the time of retirement, will feel anxiety and worry associated with the experience of losing job and that employment of the person who has reached 50 years of age at the moment is quite problematic. Therefore, a high likelihood of conflict between members who have reached 50 years of age, and young professionals because the senior will be looking for young professionals as competitors, their podsazhivali.

of Course, over time these emotional States will change and perhaps the emotional intensity subside, but most likely the first two generations after the adoption of this reforms, will experience these emotions quite acute and painful, which can negatively affect their psychological health and lead to burnout.

is it Possible to reduce the negative factor?

I think so. Alas, many of the steps of the government, we are unable to strongly influence, but we can try to support themselves. How to do it? In addition to the banal advice about the conduct of psychotherapy and the respect of mental health, I would recommend with the attention to themselves in the workplace to prevent burnout.

Working in a private psychological practice, I am often faced with the problem of fatigue and burnout among their clients who often ask me questions like: "is it Possible psychologically to adapt to the debilitating labor? What's going on with me, why I burned out? How to recognize this "mine", which is already on edge? ". A definitive answer to this question is no, because it is quite complex and involves two aspects. the First aspect is strategic. It is connected with the competent planning of the regime of work and rest. the Second aspect is the internal emotional processes, which includes such feelings as fear, anger, resentment, disgust, sadness, etc. If the first aspect in most cases may be overcome by connecting the logic and strategic thinking, the second – may have difficulty here, sometimes unaided to become very difficult. At such moments a person can remain in a depressed or aggressive state. This can be a very powerful issue not only for humans but also for his entourage. Working in law enforcement and in the health system, I had to advise managers who are faced with the problem of negative status among their subordinates. For such cases I recommend to build cooperation with such an employee on the principle of observation – in which minute occurs anger (sadness or something else), what's going on with this person, how he reacts, etc. At this stage it is important to understand what is causing the negative state, because sometimes even the employee could not understand what was happening to him and why. Next, you need to either remove the traumatic factor, or, if not possible, to provide emotional support to the employee.

unfortunately, there are cases when the employer, for whatever his principles may not provide support, and then for resources continues to apply only to loved ones, family or friends. the Most popular mistake that people providing assistance, it is the devaluation of the situation. This devaluation may sound like this: "do not worry you, it's nothing", "found anything to be upset", "now what are you crying for nothing?", "Yes, I myself now have hard", "let's get it together!" "enough crying!". It is worth remembering that this phrase is not only not supported, but rather can only cause aggression, therefore, when dealing with such a person should say "host" and "supporting" phrases: "I see that you really now is not easy" "I want to support you", "what could I help you?". Speaking of "host" phrase, we give a man to understand that he's not indifferent, that can produce a therapeutic effect, but it is worth remembering that, saying these words, we can see human tears, and it is important to be ready and not to suppress his reaction.

what do You think, will the reform on the emotional burnout of people?

Molotov Alex