
Pension reform is a black cloud looming over the country. People in a lot of stress.

I Looked at the scale of the stress ray, how many points gaining stress from the introduction of the pension reform. Retirement - 45 points. Change material status - 35баллов . A total of 80 points. The scale ray, why is there a line about how stress gets people from adopting a new law on pensions in our country. An obvious omission! But judging by the rallies and television - score will be high.

pass a law or not is unknown. There is hope that will not be accepted. Such a small, but there. But the probability that they will take more.

we will consider the possibility that the law will take. And pension deviates in timing, but the size will not increase.

What can the psychologist advise in this situation?

Calm down. Nerve cells do not regenerate. Inhaled-exhaled. Enough already upset and discussed. Take as a given. Calm down. To make a decision what to do next and how to live.

set a goal - how to make your old age comfortable, and long secured.


first, the good health. You are all big boys and girls, and I know that in order to be healthy you need to exercise, eat right, walk in the fresh air, a full night's sleep, give up bad habits and once a year to undergo a full medical examination. You all know it. Now it's time to reconsider your habits. To remove harmful and to introduce useful...

second, the necessary financial cushion. This is the most difficult.

anyone Have a good income, can save money. To open a long term account and every month put a certain amount to retirement, there to accumulate a round sum. They say that if you have 2 million in a Bank account, you will earn monthly 17000 p. If 4 million rubles -that 35000 p. and so on

If you put you not where the income is low, then either look for a job with a high salary, or to think about how to earn additional income. Idle fishing - fishing at your leisure. To monetize your hobby. Or get a new profession. On the Internet continually requires professionals. Designers, marketology, copywriters, administrators of social networks. Having mastered a new profession, you will receive an additional source of income.

these are the basic guidelines. To perform them or not, it's yours. Maybe you have other solution for this problem. It is important that the situation with the pension reform is complicated, and how it will end is known only to the Deputy. And if you are Deputy, you take care of yourself. Do not waste time on empty residence. Change your life. Take care of yourself.

© Solovyova Larisa

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Solovyova Larisa